Controversial opinions on metal

I find the following people to be completely useless to the metal forum and don't even bother reading their posts. When I say "useless" I mean useless to me because either they have different taste, have shitty opinions, or are just annoying.

:lol:I just noticed this.

But whats the problem here brah? My musical tastes rule, my opinions own even harder, and i'm still totally annoying.
This statement made me go 'wat' for multiple reasons and I hope you choose to expand upon WTF you're talking about here.

Tbh I have no reason to, since the majority view here seems to be that the quality of a band is entirely relative to individual taste, and any possible argument I could give would be automatically refuted by that. So since the consensus here is to not hold anyone accountable for their music opinions, I'm just as entitled to spew mine without justification as anyone else is.

The melodies aren't obvious enough? That actually seems to sum up what he's talking about pretty well.

Cause everybody knows that lack of obviousness in a melody is the only thing that makes it good.
Yeah, you know, aside from the fact that their songs are objectively very dissimilar to ambient music, except for the interludes, and also the obvious melodies thing definitely applies to the statement you made.
vg, you can have bad taste but stupid statements like 'lol they're hardly more developed than ambient' is just fucking, on every level, retarded.

So, here's one for the books...

EVERY song Dismember redid from their Carnage days on Like An Everflowing Stream was better when they were Carnage. This is evidenced by Matti sucking at vocals really bad in "Torn Apart", them ruining the tone they had on DR somehow even though both were in Sunlight iirc...idk. But they didn't redo "Infestation of Evil" which is one of my favorite DM songs ever, so...I wish they did so I could really make a solid controversial opinion!

Also, similarly, Michael Amott despite being a fag in Arch Enemy, kicked major ass on Dark Recollections
...and on Necroticism.

But, yeah, I agree with pretty much everything else you had to say. I personally prefer Dark Recollections to Like An Everflowing Stream.
Carnage bore me. They're not twisted or spacey enough.
Dismember are better(more epic and melodic), despite the grating vocals and the thuddy-diddity-distic drumming.

Actually, I haven't listened to either band in quite a while, need to update my opinion on both.

Most Swedish OSDM is meh to me nowadays. I do dig Seance though. Pretty twisted and delicious stuff. At times the sound is too busy and heavy on the blasting, but that doesn't seem to annoy me in the slightest.
Sparse fragments of sub-tonal ambience converge along the nexus of thematic development revealing a preponderance of romantic themes contra the ennui of post-industrial revolution liberal democratic ideologies. Musical ideas edging dangerously close to bouncy, power chord driven rock are superceded by arpeggiated melodic narrative culminating in horizontally developed minimalistic meta-quintessence suggesting a quasi-discourse of themes fully derived out of the metaphysical presuppositions underlying Nordic pagan religious practices. True to form, this is organic nihilistic anti-globalist art.

Ahh yes, one of my greatest pieces of work right there. I also did a Demilich review in the same vein.
Ahh yes, one of my greatest pieces of work right there. I also did a Demilich review in the same vein.

Those reviews remind me of those Guinness commercials; Brilliant!

Her Last.FM link is in her sig

I have sigs turned off. The only reason I actually saw Mort's the other day is because I was on someone else's computer at work.

On a side note, I had no idea Omni was a chick. There should be a little icon or some shit on under everyones name so I know this shit.