Controversial opinions on metal

Ok time to be controvesial. The violins in The Red in the Sky is Ours are horrible and ruin the cd becuase otherwise it's flawless.
Onder, I hate you and your controversial views on music because I don't agree with them, so logically you must be wrong and stupid.
Onder, I hate you and your controversial views on music because I don't agree with them, so logically you must be wrong and stupid.

Wow. I didn't think I am that controversial! So you love them violins? And what else did I say wrong?
Everyone knows that cool people always like the violins on that album. You don't have to say anything else wrong, this is bad enough on its own.
Everyone knows that cool people always like the violins on that album. You don't have to say anything else wrong, this is bad enough on its own.

Ok then, I'm not cool then but those violins sound like they're played by someone who has NOT played before OR by a 7 years old girl. I don't say the music is written badly, but the execution is horrid. I also know that they're supposed to sound sad and shit, but only thing that makes me sad is how such a terrible thing can waste a legendary album.

I'm sorry to lose a -coolness- status in your eyes Omni but I hope we can still be friends. I hope you're able to like someone who actually -hears- things too.
The point isn't for the violins to be played flawlessly though, if they were played with perfect technique and without sounding a little shoddy it'd take away from the overall album.
I'm just not a fan of playing a musical instrument poorly and out of tune in order to achieve atmosphere that - whoa - dissapeared somehow.
Disappeared? I think it is wholly intact.

I just can't absorb it when hearing out-of-tune violins. Look, I grew up in a musical family, my father plays violin proffessionaly in orchestra so I am used to hearing it and I know when it's played well or poorly and I can't stand when it's bad. Don't get me wrong though, the album is still a 90%-95% for me, it's awesome and essential deathmetal piece, it's just those violins.