Controversial opinions on metal

I can see how Venom are influential just do not find anything slightly interesting or good about their music.
Beherit's early work definitely has that prominent Venom/Hellhammerish quality to it, but Drawing Down the Moon is much different than the aforementioned bands. Untouchable album, imo.
Pretty fucking godly album. I think the creepiest thing ever is in "Thou Angel of the Gods" when Holocausto just starts talking through some SUPER ALIEN SOUNDING effect...chilling, seriously. Every song is disturbing, feral and primitive brilliance, and I love the touches of "beauty" in stuff like "Summerlands".
"The Gate of Nanna" and "Sadomatic Rites" are both so fucking brilliant and twisted that I think Holocausto is going to come up from behind me and slit my throat in some depraved fashion as I'm listening to them. The synthy ambient sections of the album are still some of the most haunting bits of music I've managed to come across ever too.
Cyth doesn't hate the other bands I was talking about as far as I know, and he has generally awesome opinions and things to say. I can even respect the opinion when expressed the way he said it because it's intelligently said. My comment was only for V5.