Controversial opinions on metal

Nile are a good band, they've written a good number of catchy, memorable songs. Their lyrical themes are inherently pretty funny, though.
I'm not saying that they suck. They're actually pretty good, but there are several different Metalcore bands that bring a lot more to the table.
Also, though I'm not the biggest Opeth fan, I think it's pretty clear which band between the two has the better writing ability and overall talent.
How about this?
Between the Buried and Me is YOUR FAVORITE band of the last 10 years. They're clearly not the best.

Also, @ML- Devourment's vocals are great... especially when done by Ruben Rosas.

edit: I find Nile enjoyable, but the more music I'm exposed to, the less interested in them I become. Where as they used to be one of my favorite bands (hence my name), I now haven't listened to them in a couple of months.

i guess i'll live with that. what metalcore bands do you think have more to offer than BTBAM?
@s<issors: I mean, lyrics about beating the shit out of hookers are a little silly. Frankly, anything delivered in a cookie-monster voice is inherently silly because you're a grown man making monster noises. But beyond that, I don't see how they're much sillier than typical gore lyrics. But regardless, yeah. They've written solid death metal with a unique feel. I really love the atmosphere on stuff like "I Whisper In The Ear Of The Dead"
Lyrics about Satan and Hell are silly. Lyrics about how cold the forest is could be silly. Metal is silly. Life is silly. silly is silly.
Those are just the better metalcore bands I know of.

Do you have an opinion on Zao?

I only own three albums, the noise to music ratio varies too much on the rest of them, but a lot of stuff on the ones I have is great and doesn't reek too much of trying to be scene. Which I suppose is to be expected since they helped originate it, but still.
I don't think I've heard them... Will check out soon, though. The scene thing can get seriously annoying... as you'll notice the majority of the bands I listed don't have too much of that going on.
Oh, and Norma Jean's 2nd album (O God, the Aftermath) is the one to listen to. (In reference to your previous post), though I do enjoy the original as well.
I might look into it if it really has something of worth but I was very, very, very, put off by the debut, and I don't go around gold digging for metalcore, so... :p

The Zao stuff to check out is 'Liberate Te Ex Inferis' and 'The Funeral of God'. There's a possibility you might also like 'Where Blood And Fire Bring Rest'. Everything else is meh IMO.