Controversial opinions on metal

Here's a contraversial opinion...Cradle of Filth really aren't all that bad at all.


Yes, so a couple of their later albums are a bit "meh", but Damnation And A Day, for instance, is a fine extreme metal album.
I never minded hetfields voice, the day that never comes is a really catchy song.

yes old cradle of filth was pretty good, most people judge them on nymphetemine and thornography, which both sucked dick
Metallica will always be overrated because they are the biggest metal band ever. Hetfield isnt the best ever ruthm guitarist (he is, or at least was, really good though). Kirk isnt an awesome lead guitarist. Lars is flat out bad as a drummer etc.

They have managed to write good songs though. I can enoy stuff from all albums but St Anger even though I prefer the trio of RTL, MOP and AJFA.

I dont get this idea of making their albums sound raw. It fails all the time. St Anger was crap in all aspects and Death Magnetic was a good album totally ruined by the worst production job I have ever heard. Their unwillingness to really accknowledge it and/or fix it buffles me as well. It wouldnt even cost them anything to do it.

On the subject of Cradle of Filth I enjoyed them up to Cruelty and the Beast and a bit of Midian maybe. After that I wouldnt say they are bad but they are very much "meh" - uninteresting and generally pretty boring.
Seriously, if they're trying to "re-capture their youth" or whatever the fuck, they should just hire some no-name engineer/producer guy to record 'em in their practice space or something. If they're going for "raw" production, fucking stop using $100,000,000 worth of equipment to get it, you know?

WTF Rick Rubin was thinking, I have no idea, but considering his track record, I shudder to think of what this album would have been like without him...

I really don't know, the idea of having raw production (on their part) is idiotic anyway. The production on their early albums fits the music perfectly IMO (except AJFA, of course).

It's not even the production, lars is just a shitty drummer and hits his snare like he's using a bseball bat as drum sticks

I know he's a shitty drummer, that's not the point. The production of St. Anger fuckin' sucks, the latest one I don't know because I haven't even bothered listening to it.
You're a wise man. That snare drum sound is the most horrendous piece of shit i've listened to in my whole life. It seems as if he were hitting fucking cans instead of drums.
I feel like I could get into Death Magnetic if the production weren't so distractingly bad...

My controversial opinion; people get too caught up over production on metal albums.

Metal isn't supposed to sound crystal-clear and listener-friendly.
On the thing of production, it adds to the song. I'm not talking about clear production either. Imagine Transilvanian Hunger without the raw low production. It just wouldn't sound right. It wouldn't as atmospheric.
My controversial opinion; people get too caught up over production on metal albums.

Metal isn't supposed to sound crystal-clear and listener-friendly.

If the production style enhances, or at least stays out of the way of the listening experience, it's fine. Shit, in some sub-genres, it's SUPPOSED to sound shitty (aka "tru" black metal). But when you intentionally use insanely nice gear to capture really decent tone/clarity/etc., then decide to throw it through a compressor or 4 set to 'nuclear explosion', just to try to sound 'louder' than the rest of your albums, the production becomes an issue.

That said, my controversial opinion: throwing as many uber-complicated riffs together as possible into one song simply to show off how many hours you've spent in your mom's basement practicing sweep-picking is NOT song writing.
I honestly don't care whether or not the production was intentional; if the songwriting is good, I'll listen to the album regardless, without complaint.

Shame is, Death Magnetic features no good songwriting. :lol:
I think the production values of an album are very important. The majority of many modern albums' production are done horribly - the past few years especially. I really hate the fact that the production values of an album are often the first thing I notice when I listen to an album. I honestly wish I didn't have to think about them at all, and could just focus on the music.

Take for example, recently I checked out the new Vreid album. I'm not really a fan of them, but the album's production values are so bad that it annoyed me through the time I spent listening to it. The album is excessively loud, and sounds like it's been heavily altered through an EQ.

And what's with Polish death metal band having their albums twice as loud as everything out there. :lol:
I honestly don't care whether or not the production was intentional; if the songwriting is good, I'll listen to the album regardless, without complaint.

Shame is, Death Magnetic features no good songwriting. :lol:

Eh, I agree there is very little good songwriting on DM. I guess my opinions on production may be biased, as I am an engineer/producer myself and consider it an artform in and of itself. However, without the songs and the talented players, the production is irrelevant anyway!
I don't care much for the production unless it adds to the music, like in a lot of black metal. Also I do not like power/trad. metal that is too raw. And it's usually a good thing if the bass is audible, too often it isn't.

Controversy: Old school Cradle of Filth is good, but there is nothing wrong with Nymphetamine either.
Controversy: Old school Cradle of Filth is good, but there is nothing wrong with Nymphetamine either.

Even though I've said it many times here, their old stuff is by far their best, I don't think Nymphetamine is actually a "bad" album. I do think that a lot of the songs are quite lackluster but there are a few highlights on the album. Off the special edition, "Soft White Throat" is a great song, maybe my favourite song of theirs of the past few years.

However, I can't say the same about Thornography. I hesitate now to even call any other Cradle release disappointing in comparison to that awful album. 'Godspeed' has them getting back on the right track though.
With so many good bands nowadays, you still waiting for Metallica to make a good album? Fuck, get over it already.

I agree, but one thing that pisses me off is when people complain about the production on And Justice For All being shitty. That fucking gets under my skin. The reason is because these are many times people that praise Casio 4-track karaokee black metal. Justice is a superb album in all aspects.