Controversial opinions on metal

^ It's only controversial if most people (in here) wouldn't agree with you.

For instance:

Burzum is tedious, lo-fi nonsense given listening space merely because of the hilarious antics of the side-parting race-warrior.
I think power metal of all kinds is good, and generally prefer the flowery kind to the sort that wants to be thrash but can't. I also tend to think that people who make blanket statements about power metal sucking are idiots too wrapped up in their kvltness to enjoy good music. Unfortunately, this is frequently true.
^ It's only controversial if most people (in here) wouldn't agree with you.

For instance:

Burzum is tedious, lo-fi nonsense given listening space merely because of the hilarious antics of the side-parting race-warrior.

Metal without keyboards or other instruments beside guitar, bass and drums is generally boring.

I fucking hate that attitude. People who think they're special cuz they say they don't like stuff just because they're common or "mainstream".
Personally I don't give a fuck if what I like is common or not. If it's good I like it and if it's bad then I don't. The fact that most bands do have the guitar+bass+drums (and often keyboards) is because it's a winning combination almost always. A band doesn't need to start adding instruments just to sound special, they just have to write good songs and play them well, and do it in their own individual way.
too much keyboard use or crappy use of a keyboard can ruin songs to
good use of keyboards and other instruments can help at times though - Abigor,Crionics,Emperor,many others i cant think of right now.
And Limbonic Art. Basically bands where the keyboards are showcased as the prominent instrument, or at least being equal with the guitars.
Who ever said 'kvlt' had anything to do with it, just the fuckin' bullshit flower metal bands are barely even metal so it'd seem to me that instead of listening to real power metal you'd be better off with pop music.
Could somebody reccomend me the quintessential flower metal band? I've heard a lot about it but I've never heard any of the actual music.
Man, just shut up with the random atavism...power metal is power metal, it's definitely metal, get over it and go talk about PoS some more somewhere. :rolleyes: