Yet also show creative energy rarely to be matched by later work.Debut albums are for the most part too underdeveloped to be really good.
Hey, it's my opinion :Smokin:
just as I don't like Cannibal Corpse or other oldschool death metal acts lacking innovation or technicality
I don't necessarily mean they are shit, but I think they are greatly overrated and I never got into the music. I am into their genres though.
yeah oldschool death metal acts lack innovation alright... THEY INVENTED THE FUCKING GENRE how much more innovative do you want?! the majority of new 'tech' death is simply shit. soulless, heartless, brainless over the top wankery meant to impress people with the musical tastes of a 12 year old.
Or, maybe it's just over your head, so you just resort to calling it shit.
Most bands that last for many years tend to peak within their first few albums, although there definitely are bands who consistently release good or amazing music.
no not really. in the majority of that shit there isn't a single memorable fucking riff... just "oh guys check out how fast i can do sweep picking! that isn't gratuitous at all! awesome!"
So, would you prefer every metal band to rehash old material and always stay the same?
of course not. we want substance over style. there's nothing wrong with incorporating technical elements in one's music... it's just that one a band is labelled a 'Tech' band they tend to have an overabundance of technicality at the expense of songwriting.
you like Children Of Gaydom.