Controversial opinions on metal

I hate AC DC, and I don't even think their music is well written. At least Led Zeppelin's songs are somewhat complex and well written, while AC DC's songs are pretty much three power chords (usually some kind of uber simple 1, 4, 5 pattern). I hate both bands, though.
Agreed for the most part but the huge difference here is that Zeppelin is one of the best bands ever and AC/DC have always failed.
Agreed for the most part but the huge difference here is that Zeppelin is one of the best bands ever and AC/DC have always failed.
Well, I don't like Led Zeppelin at all. But I can tell that they know how to write songs and how to play their instruments, so I do respect them. I'm not one to say that everything he doesn't like sucks.
AC/DC fucking rule. Everything they did up to and including For Those About To Rock is pure gold. Getting hung up on the simplicity of their material is to miss the point entirely.
Shot in the Dark is easily Loser Losebourne's best song, and about one of the only songs that I really like from his band.
would it be controversial to say that i think Ronnie James Dio would beat the living hell out of Ozzy in a physical confrontation and then finish him off with like some sorta Dio scream?