Controversial opinions on metal

I've actually been told by my lady friends that if I must date a band dude, make sure it's the dummer because they are the least egotistical and they aren't full of rock star faggotry. Is this true? Hahaha.

no, its false, every drummer I've played with has a massive ego and wannabe rockstar attitude. needless to say, I use a drum machine because drum machines don't backtalk me.
It always depends really. Some drummers are attention whore faggots who want to compensate for the lack of attention to their part of the band.
Based on their sound, I'm guessing that little girl is one of the band members' girlfriend. Oh, snizap, yo!

She's the singer, the truth is their singer is a not a pubescent boy and actually a girl if anyone is wondering why their singer sounds like such a girly fag.
dating anyone in a band is a bad idea regardless of their role.

Yep. Been there, done that and hopefully never going down that road again.

Also, is there a separate thread anywhere in GMD for Dream Theater? If not, there should be. It just seems as though they are discussed and fellated in this particular thread a little too much.
I'm a drummer and I'm pretty egotistical. But I'm not a dick about it - I think people who know me can vouch for that.

Also, is there a separate thread anywhere in GMD for Dream Theater? If not, there should be. It just seems as though they are discussed and fellated in this particular thread a little too much.


Why don't you all start using my thread that I came up with myself and deserve all the credit for? It was clearly a genius idea, and you guys should feel lucky that I put aside my valuable time to bestow the gifts of my intellect upon your unworthy community.

...oh. my bad.
Fucken A dude.

I don't play it very well, but I play it nonetheless. :lol:

I only really practice when I visit my friends in Charlottesville, just cause we can play in a basement there whereas my Richmond apartment is a townhouse with people on both sides.
I fall in that category Vihris, except I can play at home since I have an electric set. Once I get out of the USMC I plan on getting an acoustic set and becoming a drumming legend....or at least having a band that releases one CD that 10 people buy :p
sure they might be metal as fuck
Actually, they're not metal as fuck. They're barely metal at all.

youdon'tknowme said:
no, its false, every drummer I've played with has a massive ego and wannabe rockstar attitude. needless to say, I use a drum machine because drum machines don't backtalk me.
And drum machines don't kick you out of their band for not being able to play your instrument.

katierose said:
I've actually been told by my lady friends that if I must date a band dude, make sure it's the dummer because they are the least egotistical and they aren't full of rock star faggotry. Is this true? Hahaha.
My drummer is pretty cool, just wants to rock. But I'm sexier and I play the electric penis. I mean guitar.
My drummer told me the other day that he feels like he's holding us back...I lol'd hard. He's the fastest, tightest, most well rounded drummer I know. He can go from some simple groove to some off beat jazzy death metal thing to a thrash beat to a near Devourment speed blast all in the same song. What a jack ass.