Controversial opinions on metal

I really like traditional doom... but then again I really like stoned out fuzzy doom ala Electric Wizard too.

I like those two sub genres above all the rest without contest.

Most of my favorite doom is

High on fire, Boris, Cult of Luna, The Ocean, Isis... all are great. Also you reminded me to check out more EW (I'm pretty sure dopethrone isn't their only good album :lol:)
"Come My Fanatics...." kicks just as much as as Dopethrone, imo. Wizard in Black and Return trip alone make the album great. Ivixor B / Phase Inducer is the only bad track on the album just because it's noisy and too long and just an interlude.

Witchcult Today is different but good... honestly... I havent listened to an Electric Wizard album I dont like... and I'm ashamed at myself for not owning a shirt yet.
I don't think Cult of Luna really qualifies as doom and Isis certainly doesn't. Haven't heard Boris or The Ocean but I like High on Fire. Also you can check out Pelican, they've got some doomy parts (especially in their new EP which is one of my favorite 2009 releases) but its instrumental.
I don't think Cult of Luna really qualifies as doom and Isis certainly doesn't. Haven't heard Boris or The Ocean but I like High on Fire. Also you can check out Pelican, they've got some doomy parts (especially in their new EP which is one of my favorite 2009 releases) but its instrumental.

also love pelican

I was just mainly going what was on the wiki page, which admittedly isn't always right at times. Eyehategod, Katatonia, Sunn o))) and Ahab also rank up there.
Well, sludge, doom, and post metal all get mixed up sometimes. Isis for sure though doesn't have the dark atmosphere of doom metal (not that its not atmospheric...just not in a doomy way)
also love pelican

I was just mainly going what was on the wiki page, which admittedly isn't always right at times. Eyehategod, Katatonia, Sunn o))) and Ahab also rank up there.

I don't know if I'd really call Katatonia Doom. I don't know what I'd call them. Gloom? Regardless, they are the bestest ever OMG!!!11!
i still like katatonia (tonights decision mostly) but when i discovered the cure's early stuff there was really no looking back. just light years better in every respect.
There are major similarities, but Katatonia is more metal, for one. Not saying I don't love the Cure, because only queers don't, but Katatonia is a more modern version. Just like any other band, they put their own spin on what others did beforehand. TD rules, by the way.
yeah i'm not trying to say they just rip off the cure, just that songwriting-wise they're pretty inept compared to the cure (who were obviously an influence). but then, most bands are.