Controversial opinions on metal

So.. I'm pretty sure Place of Skulls is the only band to ever play well enough to pull me away from their Christian lyrical content. I'm guessing there is something controversial in that.
I have no problems listening to Trouble because of some of their Christian messages, good stuff is good stuff. I even prefer if a band has such messages instead of Dark Funeral-type open door kicking.
On the other hand, maybe Trouble's the same as Dark Funeral, coming from the US and all, but at least they're not constantly preaching against something which doesn't really bother them.
Bump. Why did this thread die?

Here's a really controversial one: Megadeth, with the exception of Peace Sells and the song Hanger 18, are really nothing special.
What's worse is that Joel McIver read some list of the greatest guitarists and he thought it was terrible, so he wrote and published a really famous book of his OWN list of the 100 greatest metal guitarists of all time...and Dave Mustaine was #1....

Made me realize that a "Greatest List of.." are just endless cycles, because someone is gonna come along thinking they know how it's REALLY supposed to be, but they end up fucking it up even more
I do not care for Megadeth and find them incredibly overrated also. Dave Mustaine's vocals sound like nails on a chalk board meets Donald Duck, all I can think of is the early episodes of American Idol where the singers have no idea they have terrible voices that are out of tune and have annoying pitch.
Well hold on, wouldn't you agree then that Metallica are overrated?

Sure they wrote some catchy tunes, but I'll be damned if I see the day that Metallica will be able to play The Burning Pits of The Duat...meanwhile thousands of garage bands all over the world jam Metallica tunes just for shits and giggles...