Controversial opinions on metal

Vital Remains makes Deicide look like a fucking joke by comparison, tbh.

Well like I said, I'd be off by a bit or more. I'll check them out again but I wasn't very impressed with them the last time I gave them a listen. I would say Deicide isn't too impressive either but honestly Deicide isn't too bad, theres just alot of other better bands out there in the same genre. But the earlier work is nice, the first 2-3 albums I think. As far as Vital Remains go, I need to do a sort of rehash.
Scott "Wino" of Saint Vitus isn't that great of a vocalist, at least for traditional doom. Would fit much better in a faster, more southern-ish, rock band.
Definitely at least too highly praised imo, Altars of Madness is my pick for their best. Much more consistent, not randomly divided by what I feel to be mainly cheesy interludes ("Desolate Ways" is obviously amazing though) and the songwriting relies much less on mechanical blasting that sounds awkward and doesn't work for them as much in the end (and worked even less for them on later albums). The production on BATS is also very lifeless and stale, and doesn't highlight the brutality and ferocity we can tell is there, so that affects my opinion too. I remember after first hearing BATS I wondered "is this it? This is Morbid Angel...?" but I am so glad I gave AOM a chance. So much better imo.

edit: also in regards to the cover comparison, Seagrave's portrayal of the incredible range of human emotions, portrayed by distinctly inhuman faces in a disturbing, grotesque play on "humanity" is much, much cooler than a random eyebleed-inducing painting with by far one of the worst and least appealing color palettes I've seen. Gotta love the apparent disregard given to the band logo and title; they got that same yucky color treatment. This doesn't really have to do with my judgment of the album and is more of an aside, but damn I don't care how classic that painting is, it's ugly.
I actually like the interludes in Blessed Are the Sick, mostly because they aren't the random-whispering cliche interludes you get in so much black/death metal. I also would agree that the production on Blessed are the Sick detracts from it a little. That being said, I still like it a lot, more than Covenant.
I would prefer less interludes and more thrashing death fucking metal. Also, AOM has more highlights than BATS imo (goes without saying I guess though considering I like AOM more). BATS' main ones are Fall from Grace which is very, very evil and effective but tends to have a somewhat offputting structure and...well, not much else. And before anyone says "but it functions better as an album than a collection of good songs UNLIKE AOM"...nah not really; see previous point about silly cheesy interludes. More death metal, less fucking around.
Well yea, but considering it's 13 tracks, it's not like they made big cuts to the amount of thrashy death just to put those interludes in. Altars is my favorite osdm album of all time so I'm not disagreeing :)
13 tracks is a little too many imo. I've always had some sort of undefinable problem with albums over like 10-11 distinct tracks. Call me crazy (and I don't expect people to share this aversion).
Pretty much anything is like that, but particularly DM. Bands should write an album of material, then only release what they can fit on an EP. Average quality of releases would rise dramatically.
There's more room for error with more tracks and it's much easier to "get acquainted with" a shorter track list too.