Controversial opinions on metal

Prime cuts are usually 30-40 min in death metal, but examples of being under and over that length have been astounding in quality too.
Prime cuts are usually 30-40 min in death metal, but examples of being under and over that length have been astounding in quality too.

There is an inverse relationship between the brutality of the music and how long the album should be. A 40 minute brutal death album would leave me catatonic (from boredom, not headbanging); a 26 minute power metal album would probably leave me feeling cheated. Any album over 45 minutes, however, has to justify that extra time. Like A Matter of Life And Death; good music but way too fucking long.
Eh... I dont like Deicide... at all.

being a massive slayer fanboy i pretty much worship the s/t, which takes slayer up a notch in a very distinctive and awesome way. i'm not so big on legion though admittedly.

i really really don't understand morbid angel for the most part, it's strange. i must've listened to the first 2 albums both about 50 times and neither ever really thrills me, except one or two tunes. i feel like i need to approach them differently but i've tried so many times and not managed to get that much out of them.
I like Blessed Are the Sick but I'm going to have to agree with V5 in that it is a little bit inconsistent. It was actually my first death metal album but every time I listen to it, I feel a little un-satisfied.
Not only that but theres a good selections of progressive power metal bands out there like Symphony X, Intense, Lost Horizon, Thunderstone, and Symphorce. You should check those out. Power metal is still today one of my favorite genres but I've grown more on the more heavier/darker genres such as death metal (especially brutal death metal and Oldschool) and black metal.

Symphony X blow.
being a massive slayer fanboy i pretty much worship the s/t, which takes slayer up a notch in a very distinctive and awesome way. i'm not so big on legion though admittedly.

i really really don't understand morbid angel for the most part, it's strange. i must've listened to the first 2 albums both about 50 times and neither ever really thrills me, except one or two tunes. i feel like i need to approach them differently but i've tried so many times and not managed to get that much out of them.

Yeah, I can't get into Legion for the life of me but I wouldn't say I hate it.
I like Blessed Are the Sick but I'm going to have to agree with V5 in that it is a little bit inconsistent. It was actually my first death metal album but every time I listen to it, I feel a little un-satisfied.

I usually either feel unsatisfied or, as WAIF put it (though using a different set of curricula) "cheated" :p

But yeah I agree about album length WAIF.
The more I think about Morbid Angel, the more I think they don't really have a 'perfect' album, but rather that many of their albums contain certain aspects of 'perfection', whether it's the aggressiveness of Altars, the song structures of Blessed, the catchiness of Domination, the super-morbid feel of Gateways, etc.
Legion is definitely the worst of the first three Deicide albums, with OUTC being the best

As far as Morbid Angel goes, I actually like FFF more than any other MA album and would probably be their best if not for all of the filler tracks on it.