Controversial opinions on metal

Suspended Sentence is better than Court In The Act.

it's not bad but your opinion is retarded sorry. it doesn't even have brian ross for fuck sake.

i know i've said this several times before but 'alone in the dark' is the best song ever to come out of the NWOBHM.

I am going to admit that I was wrong and agree that Court In The Act runs rings around Suspended Sentence and also that Alone In The Dock is one of the greatest Heavy Metal songs ever. But Avalanche Of A Million Hearts is also one of the greatest Heavy Metal songs ever, that soloing toward the end just kills me every time.
Vital Remains makes Deicide look like a fucking joke by comparison, tbh.

Hey you were right, I just got done checking out the first 2 albums by Vital Remains. Kick ass death metal. I guess I forgot the sound of these guys. They are definitly underated.

Edit: Actually i am quite impressed with the first three releases but after that, it became crap.
You're not allowed to bitch about bands being gimmicky any more. Your rights have just been revoked.