Controversial opinions on metal

Black people make up about 20% of the US population. Hip-hop and R&B (modern R&B sounds like hip-hop ballads with singing these days, so they're pretty much the same) couldn't come close to its current domination of mainstream pop just on the support of black people. There are probably more white people listening to it than black people.
the image it projects is tied to social class and as a large percentage of black Americans are impoverished/have criminal records(which also has more to do with their social situation than "race," per se- I'm sure you've heard the whole "there are more college-age African American males in prison than in school" statistic) black artists dominate the scene. its fanbase is quite large and composed of people of all races

the thing to understand with stereotypes is that correlation =/= causation.

Not listening to a band because it has black people in it is fucking retarded. Even if you are indeed racist. You can't tell by the sound if there are black people in the band. It's not like a band with black people in it will automatically have hip hop influence. Take the band I just posted, for instance. If you'd hear them without knowing who they are, you'd think they are some kvlt European early 90s dm band.

On a similar, but different note. One of the few metalheads I ever knew in person was a J00, and he refused to listen to any bands from Germany out of principle. What a tool.
I don't know of any pro-Aryan/pro-white Nazi rap. But I know of plenty of pro-black, violently anti-white rap, which would be considered NS, since the concept is not exclusive to whites/Aryans. Menace Clan, Da Lench Mob, Paris, Brand Nubian, and a handful of other 90s rap artists have very anti-white lyrics. I guess you could say it's the black equivalent of NSBM or RAC, but perhaps even more violently racist.
While we are on the topic, does anyone know of any black African metal bands aside from Crackdust, Wrust, Neblina (well, they actually have a couple white members), and Metal Orizon? I vaguely recall talk about a metal band from Nigeria on another message board, but the name slips my mind.
Controversy: I'm listening to Slipknot... And I'm liking it. I still hate those ignorant morons who think it's real metal though.
I don't know of any pro-Aryan/pro-white Nazi rap. But I know of plenty of pro-black, violently anti-white rap, which would be considered NS, since the concept is not exclusive to whites/Aryans. Menace Clan, Da Lench Mob, Paris, Brand Nubian, and a handful of other 90s rap artists have very anti-white lyrics. I guess you could say it's the black equivalent of NSBM or RAC, but perhaps even more violently racist.

Double standards are a tough nut to crack, eh?
I don't know of any pro-Aryan/pro-white Nazi rap. But I know of plenty of pro-black, violently anti-white rap, which would be considered NS, since the concept is not exclusive to whites/Aryans. Menace Clan, Da Lench Mob, Paris, Brand Nubian, and a handful of other 90s rap artists have very anti-white lyrics. I guess you could say it's the black equivalent of NSBM or RAC, but perhaps even more violently racist.

Could you post an example of this?