Controversial opinions on metal



This thread is called "Controversial opinions on metal" and so I posted. My opinion was controversial clearly since so many people decided to respond, some of whom responding not particularly nicely but y'know. I'm so sorry if that upset the applecart a wee bit but you'll find that I only responded to people's replies to me.

That's not being offended...if anything it's the other way around considering so many people wanted to point out how wrong I was (not all, but a good few).
Oh man you really got me. Challenged my beliefs and upset my applecart. You waltzed right in and taught this old dog a thing or two. Obviously I was wrong in pointing out the fact that the lyrics you didn't like because of their anti-christian nature were achieving their goals purely by being disliked by you.
Another troll it seems. And as usual, a newfag.

How the feck am I a troll?

Seriously, you disagree with something and suddenly you're a "troll". I actually primarily joined as I'm a Katatonia fan and their forum is on here.

I thought I might as well make use of the forum. This was a thread I saw, I posted my "controversial opinion" and a load of uptight posters decide that I'm a troll who's easily offended. How ironic. Geez. This is an internet forum, a place where you discuss things.

Is this is your way of welcoming someone to a forum (Telling them to fuck off)?

I don't see how I've done anything that is "trolling" other than argue, which is what a bloody internet forum is for. Don't get so offended over nothing.
Oh man you really got me. Challenged my beliefs and upset my applecart. You waltzed right in and taught this old dog a thing or two. Obviously I was wrong in pointing out the fact that the lyrics you didn't like because of their anti-christian nature were achieving their goals purely by being disliked by you.

That's the thing. I wasn't trying to upset your applecart. I was just posting my opinion and was immediately slated.

Why are you getting so uptight about it guys? I don't like satanist lyrics, they aren't for me, let's move on. I'm not trying to piss anybody off so let's just chill out, eh?

Another troll it seems. And as usual, a newfag.

Just curious, what does this mean? Yes, I'm a new member... are you accusing me of liking new metal?
Well, my first response was DarkBliss's who said:
Metal is cheesy and theatrical by default, whether it'd be bands singing about fairies and unicorns or spewing forth anti-Christian propaganda.

To which I actually said:
I can't really argue with that. But I don't think that makes it artistically any better if you understand me.

It was only after I was called "socially insecure" by one member that things began to get silly and I got a bit annoyed. The guy's now been banned I just noticed funnily enough. I suppose he's what you call a succesful troll - I shouldn't have got wound up about that so sorry about that.

To be honest, I'd be happy to agree to disagree on Satanist lyrics.
I never think of music as being gay or not gay. There is only music I like or don't like. What exactly makes them sprinkled with fairy dust? The industrial elements, the polished production, black'n rollish tendencies?
Whats with describing everything people dont like as "gay" anyway? Extremely juvenile, yet seems to be fairly common on this forum.