Controversial opinions on metal

There's a fair portion of power metal where the main adjective which springs to mind is often 'gay' hehe

That doesn't necessarily make it bad music either, just super cheesy.
The more I listen to it the more I think that Sorcier Des Glaces' Moonrise in Total Darkness is probably the best BM album of the 00s decade.
i think all the people who post good music have left this site i think. all you guys talk about now is power metal and the same black metal. this is insulting
aussies, koude, malign, dodens i havent seen a good recommendation in awhile and no one has THE FUCKING RIVER YET

Just looked them up, and they got some godly similar artists at least...tell me more (though I'm sure I'm too much of a faggot)
Whats with describing everything people dont like as "gay" anyway? Extremely juvenile, yet seems to be fairly common on this forum.

I fully agree with this post. I wonder why these people are still using the word 'gay' as an insult ten years into the twenty-first century.
Referring to something as "gay" isn't really an expression of homophobia, and while maybe it's not great trying to convince everyone to stop doing it is pretty fruitless. Hpod doesn't seem to get irony, though, so odds are he's the stick-up-the-ass type who'll insist on discussing our choice of derogatory terms when we could be discussing metal.

As I've said before, I like the new Satyricon. Dodens should post more. Also, I'm listening to Thy Mighty Contract right now and really not seeing what' so special about it. Many of the riffs are tasty, but the production is tragically flat and the vocals and drum programming are meh.