Controversial opinions on metal

Back when we did the CD swap thing he sent me a shitload of stuff...mostly speed/USPM/thrash, but with a fair amount of prog metal and old school death and melodic death metal. And to be honest, most of it kicked ass.
However I naturally dislike bands that attack my personal faith.

I believe in and have faith in Jesus Christ. So when a band goes out the way to sing lyrics about how Jesus Christ and all his followers are going to be devoured by Satan bladebla, I naturally am not too fond of it.

Getting annoyed by bands burning down model churches on stage isn't just a "social objection" surely.

I'm not offended.

Awful lot of whining about something that doesn't offend you :Smug:
This thread is called "Controversial opinions on metal" and so I posted. My opinion was controversial clearly since so many people decided to respond, some of whom responding not particularly nicely but y'know. I'm so sorry if that upset the applecart a wee bit but you'll find that I only responded to people's replies to me.

That's not being offended...if anything it's the other way around considering so many people wanted to point out how wrong I was (not all, but a good few).
This thread is called "Controversial opinions on metal" and so I posted. My opinion was controversial clearly since so many people decided to respond, some of whom responding not particularly nicely but y'know. I'm so sorry if that upset the applecart a wee bit but you'll find that I only responded to people's replies to me.

Just fuck off please.

EDIT: Not an oh-the-guy-from-prague-and-his-bad-english joke, I mean it, I'm finding you highly irritating and really just fuck off.