Controversial opinions on metal

Wow, OK, so my vocabulary apparently failed me there. I was under the assumption that "meat-head" was a general term for "stupid"; I had no idea all of you use it as a term for "jocks". Doom metal, is, IMO, "stupid", "low-brow", or even "burn-out" music.
Now I feel like the idiot.:erk:
Oh. I'm sorry. I guess the word DOOM threw me off.

because you know DRAGON FLIES are DRAGONS!

Compare Trouble, Pentagram, and Saint Vitus to Esoteric, Thergothon, and Skepticism.

Do they sound AT ALL ALIKE? No. Why is that? Because the latter bands are NOT even in the same "general" subgenre as the former. They are completely different and are more akin to an extremely slow death metal than anything related to doom.

Find me musical similarities, OUTSIDE OF SPEED, between these so called funeral doom and death/doom bands and the traditional doom acts and I'll admit to being an idiot. Otherwise, find a new name.

It isn't like I dislike these funeral metal bands, I love Esoteric, I love Skepticism, I love Thergothon.
Mort, I realize that they have death metal influences, but to say funeral is nothing like doom metal is stupid. It's funeral doom for a reason (not "funeral death," which just sounds fucking redundant). Furthermore, whoever originally posted that doom was for "meat heads" specifically said "doom metal" and didn't elaborate further. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, it's perfectly plausible to assume that he/she meant all forms of doom metal. And finally, funeral doom really puts the humorous stamp on my comment because it's the slowest form of doom and the least likely to inspire someone to go lift weights. So congratulations, you proved an idiot in multiple respects.
Its funeral doom for a reason, yes, and that reason is because people don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

If you actually sit down and listen to an album by one of these funeral metal acts and then one from a true doom band, you'll realize they're NOTHING a like.

Revelation, Trouble, Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, Saint Vitus
Skepticism, Worship, Esoteric, Pantheïst, Monolithe

Find me similarities in those bands. There are none as far as I'm concerned.

If the basis of a "doom" bands sound is not rooted in Sabbath (and I don't mean that all non-sabbath clones aren't doom, candlemass is hardly a sabbath clone yet they are firmly rooted in BS) it isn't doom.
Its funeral doom for a reason, yes, and that reason is because people don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

I see at least one person who doesn't.

All the bands you listed share the same aesthetic approach though they may not all share the same technical approach. The reason funeral doom is called funeral doom is because it has more in common with doom than any other genre; it employs the same aesthetic principles that classify doom as a whole. You're arguing that these bands all sound different, which is true; they're all unique bands. But they share similar aesthetic approaches which is why they're labeled "doom."

If you look at Blood Ritual-era Samael and compare it with In the Nightside Eclipse-era Emperor, you'll find that they don't sound all that similar; but they're still both classified as "black metal."
Of course it's death metal. It's not death metal in the old school sense due to the fact that it's fused with speed/traditional heavy metal tendencies.

You're going to tell me that there are ANY death metal influences outside of vocals in this song?

Nevermind that it is basically heavy metal with harsh vocals.

I see at least one person who doesn't.

All the bands you listed share the same aesthetic approach though they may not all share the same technical approach. The reason funeral doom is called funeral doom is because it has more in common with doom than any other genre; it employs the same aesthetic principles that classify doom as a whole. You're arguing that these bands all sound different, which is true; they're all unique bands. But they share similar aesthetic approaches which is why they're labeled "doom."

If you look at Blood Ritual-era Samael and compare it with In the Nightside Eclipse-era Emperor, you'll find that they don't sound all that similar; but they're still both classified as "black metal."

Saint Vitus doesn't share the same aesthetic approach as Worship, Pentagram has nothing in common with Monolithe, etc. I think you're completely grasping for straws here because there is no way anyone in their sane mind could think Candlemass to be part of the same genre as Pantheist.

You'd do well to read over these:

They're a pain to read, but I think you'll find that if you don't believe me you'll believe someone who is truly part of the doom scene itself.
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