Controversial opinions on metal

The only way I can see any metalhead not liking Slayer is if they like exclusively black or death metal or they don't like anything heavier than Metallica.

I listen to all kinds of metal, but I don't like Slayer. Well, I don't hate it, but it just bores me.

Woolie Wool wrote a nice review of Reign in Blood on MA that explains what I dislike about it.
I dont listen exclusively to black or death,and i like plenty of stuff heavier than Metallica. I simply think Slayer is boring,does absolutely nothing for me.
And i think so for the same reason i dont like Left Hand Path,to me the majority of their riffs could be changed with any other of their riffs and nothing would change.I think it´s just boring variations of the same riff. But that´s me.
The only way I can see any metalhead not liking Slayer is if they like exclusively black or death metal or they don't like anything heavier than Metallica.

I love the first couple, but it's not hard to understand why someone might not like it. From a musical perspective it's not particularly interesting - the riffs are generally formulaic and uncreative, the drumming bland, the solos simply shit. The lyrics are just generic crap about EBIL.

Now obviously Slayer fans like me feel that the riffs are fuckin' intense and the chaotic solos are awesome, or something along those lines. But I can see why someone might feel otherwise.
But by that token, there isn't even enough time to listen to all the metal that's universally regarded as great.
Well, V seems to have done it, so...yeah. But there's certainly not enough time to listen to all the awesome metal out there and listen to other stuff too and have a life.
I think it would be harder to read all good literature than listen to every awesome metal album. I mean, there's a shit ton of good literature, and it takes a lot longer to read than to listen to an album.
I listen to all kinds of metal, but I don't like Slayer. Well, I don't hate it, but it just bores me.

Woolie Wool wrote a nice review of Reign in Blood on MA that explains what I dislike about it.
Haha. I like Slayer somewhat (I only really own two albums though...).

But I fail to see why RiB get's the praise it does. It's a good album, but it's really only composed of three songs; Raining Blood, Angel of Death, and the rest. :p
Haha. I like Slayer somewhat (I only really own two albums though...).

But I fail to see why RiB get's the praise it does. It's a good album, but it's really only composed of three songs; Raining Blood, Angel of Death, and the rest. :p

Hell Awaits is really the only Slayer you need to hear, and it is pretty much definitive thrash. Show No Mercy is very, very good as well, though the rest of their discography isn't worth your time.
Hell Awaits is really the only Slayer you need to hear, and it is pretty much definitive thrash. Show No Mercy is very, very good as well, though the rest of their discography isn't worth your time.
Easy riffs sped up + Really chaotic solos + Weird drumming = Slayer

You can only go so far with that, and well, it stopped being viable after RiB.