Controversial opinions on metal

Yeah, I get so bored of listening to one genre/subgenre for an extended period of time. I've listened to BM so much over the past year and a half that I can never listen to it outside of a Primordial or Burzum listen here or there so to prevent that from happening with other stuff I mix it up.

A little rap here, some psychadelic rock there, some death metal, some breakcore (which reminds me I need more of this), some country, etc. - :)

I don't think it is 'bad' to have narrow tastes, I just couldn't imagine having them myself.
Yeah, I get so bored of listening to one genre/subgenre for an extended period of time. I've listened to BM so much over the past year and a half that I can never listen to it outside of a Primordial or Burzum listen here or there so to prevent that from happening with other stuff I mix it up.

A little rap here, some psychadelic rock there, some death metal, some breakcore (which reminds me I need more of this), some country, etc. - :)

I don't think it is 'bad' to have narrow tastes, I just couldn't imagine having them myself.
I just find enough within the broad genre to satisfy my needs. If I get sick of death metal, I listen to black metal, and if I get sick of black metal, I listen to doom, and so forth. But I'm never sick of any certain subgenre for very long. I've tried to get into some non-metal, but hardly any of it has click with me so far.
Not really. I use it no more than anyone else here. It's a shorter way to say something is unmanly/effeminate/wimpy.
No, actually I think I've only seen a few other people use it, and you use it plenty more than they do. Plus, calling something gay because of its music is stupid. There are plenty better ways of describing music you don't like.
Hell Awaits is really the only Slayer you need to hear, and it is pretty much definitive thrash. Show No Mercy is very, very good as well, though the rest of their discography isn't worth your time.

dude... um... no.

first six slayer albums kick ass
dude... um... no.

first six slayer albums kick ass

Meh, everything post-Hell Awaits is very average (with everything past 1990 being trash), whereas the aforementioned album embodies the true essence of thrash metal that very few bands have been able to harness as successfully as Slayer did with that release. I know most people say that Reign In Blood is a piece definitive work, but I see it as formulaic, uninspired, and very boring, to be honest.

To each his own, I suppose.
Meh, everything post-Hell Awaits is very average (with everything past 1990 being trash), whereas the aforementioned album embodies the true essence of thrash metal that very few bands have been able to harness as successfully as Slayer did with that release. I know most people say that Reign In Blood is a piece definitive work, but I see it as formulaic, uninspired, and very boring, to be honest.

To each his own, I suppose.

how old are you?