Controversial opinions on metal

I dislike this whole thing of the current generation disrespecting the last generations music and vice-versa. I listen to music regardless of age, and it just seems ridiculous to me. Also had a good example of this. One kid asked me to put some Disturbed on, and I suggested putting on Exodus or Testament and he said 'I don't want to listen to them they're old.' :lol:
I dislike this whole thing of the current generation disrespecting the last generations music and vice-versa. I listen to music regardless of age, and it just seems ridiculous to me. Also had a good example of this. One kid asked me to put some Disturbed on, and I suggested putting on Exodus or Testament and he said 'I don't want to listen to them they're old.' :lol:

That kid is a fucking dumbass. You have the right idea.
I'm only 16, but my age is irrelevant when I am discussing my own personal opinion.

Actually, it isn't.

The older you get, the more refined and developed your preferences become. If you're younger than the average person on this forum, then it's safe to say that your tastes are far from mature. The opposite goes for if you're older.

It's amazing how much you're tastes will change from 16 to 20 (providing that you actually progress in life and don't end up living in the room above your parents' garage; not to say you will, just making a point).
Actually, it isn't.

The older you get, the more refined and developed your preferences become. If you're younger than the average person on this forum, then it's safe to say that your tastes are far from mature. The opposite goes for if you're older.

It's amazing how much you're tastes will change from 16 to 20 (providing that you actually progress in life and don't end up living in the room above your parents' garage; not to say you will, just making a point).

No is right. I'm 31 years old. When I was 12 I was listening to hard rock. Then I got into metal, first thrash, then death metal, then black metal. In college and for a year or two thereafter I went though a hardcore phase (in large part because of a friend I had in college). For years now, it's been all metal again, with a focus on extreme metal, just like when I was 16 or 17. 10, 20 years from now, will I be listening to jazz, oldies, or crap like Frank Sinatra? Fuck no! One generally listens to the music one grows up with.
No is right. I'm 31 years old. When I was 12 I was listening to hard rock. Then I got into metal, first thrash, then death metal, then black metal. In college and for a year or two thereafter I went though a hardcore phase (in large part because of a friend I had in college). For years now, it's been all metal again, with a focus on extreme metal, just like when I was 16 or 17. 10, 20 years from now, will I be listening to jazz, oldies, or crap like Frank Sinatra? Fuck no! One generally listens to the music one grows up with.

That's not really true either. I listened to the soft rock station when I was younger.

It's totally dependent on the person.
Actually, it isn't.

The older you get, the more refined and developed your preferences become. If you're younger than the average person on this forum, then it's safe to say that your tastes are far from mature. The opposite goes for if you're older.

It's amazing how much you're tastes will change from 16 to 20 (providing that you actually progress in life and don't end up living in the room above your parents' garage; not to say you will, just making a point).

I am not denying that one's personal preferences become more refined and unique as their experience with music grows, my taste in music has expanded and undergone many changes in the past couple of years. However, my main point dealt with the fact that my age has nothing to do with the validity of my opinion (which is a matter of the subjective nature anyways). My taste may (and certainly will) change over time, but that is something that I cannot predict or foresee. The opinion that I hold now is what I believe to be truth, so I will treat it as such.

Sure, I may not have been a fan of metal music or completely grasped the components of the music for as long as various other posters, but I can assure you that the level in which I analyze and attempt to interpret the music to see how it matches my personal preferences is just as high as many other posters here. As I said before, music is the only thing that really holds any significance in my life at this point, and I take listening very seriously in order to fuel my aspiration to discover as much music worth praising as possible.

Edit: I need to learn how to post quicker, shit.
That's not really true either. I listened to the soft rock station when I was younger.

It's totally dependent on the person.

Yeah. So you're tastes changed. That's what I'm saying.

Most people, once they reach junior year of college or so (if they go to college), are totally different than they were in high school. My musical tastes were similar to Addo of Nex's when I was younger. Now I listen to almost none of that stuff, or at least not as frequently as I used to.
Most people, once they reach junior year of college or so (if they go to college), are totally different than they were in high school. My musical tastes were similar to Addo of Nex's when I was younger. Now I listen to almost none of that stuff, or at least not as frequently as I used to.

Uh oh...
Maybe I should stop buying all these T-Shirts?
My music taste is always changing. I only tend to listen to the newest 2 or so genres that I've gotten into, at least on a weekly basis. I don't listen to any of my favorite bands from 5 years ago. Hell, I don't listen to my favorite bands from 2 years ago, or even 1 year ago. Always changing.

Anyway, as for controversial metal opinions...

I think Burzum & Aske are by far the greatest things Burzum has made. It's more minimalistic, and I think that makes it more powerful.

I think people kiss the asses of the classics just because of the cred, and look down on the modern stuff despite it being at least as good as anything old. ;) And for the record, all the metalheads I knew in highschool listened to the classics.
Burzum and Aske are not more minimalistic than his later works. It's perfectly fine for you to like those more, but you can't claim what's not true, and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem definitely make heavier use of minimalism than his earlier works.

I listen to the classics because they're better. A lot of them, anyway. And I listen to a lot of works that are more explicitly derived from the classics because they tend to be better than works not derived from the classics. IMO.