Controversial opinions on metal

Jenny Lewis!
God I can't wait to get old so I can chastise younger kids for having their own taste in music and considering it crap because I have/had more perspective.

In other words, get over it.

its not chastising... its a common trend i see among people who are around 18 or so... older classic stuff usually doesn't do it for them... they fail to see the brilliance of stuff like RIB while they worship stuff that makes me go "um... ok". its an age thing... sort of like how your parents wish that music was like it was in thier era and can't hear anything good in new stuff and vice versa. in other words im old. :cry:
I'm 18. I worship the likes of Hell Awaits, Seven Churches, Apocalyptic Raids, Morbid Tales, etc. Your point has been proven fecal (with little effort), I'm afraid.
its not chastising... its a common trend i see among people who are around 18 or so... older classic stuff usually doesn't do it for them... they fail to see the brilliance of stuff like RIB while they worship stuff that makes me go "um... ok". its an age thing... sort of like how your parents wish that music was like it was in thier era and can't hear anything good in new stuff and vice versa. in other words im old. :cry:

"Brilliance" is subjective.
If it can be measured with candelas, then that kind of brilliance is not subjective :p

Currently the brilliance of a thing that isn't a light or another radiant object cannot be measured and qualified objectively, making brilliance subjective.

its not chastising... its a common trend i see among people who are around 18 or so... older classic stuff usually doesn't do it for them... they fail to see the brilliance of stuff like RIB while they worship stuff that makes me go "um... ok". its an age thing... sort of like how your parents wish that music was like it was in thier era and can't hear anything good in new stuff and vice versa. in other words im old. :cry:

Yes, CRY...CRY!!
its not chastising... its a common trend i see among people who are around 18 or so... older classic stuff usually doesn't do it for them... they fail to see the brilliance of stuff like RIB while they worship stuff that makes me go "um... ok". its an age thing... sort of like how your parents wish that music was like it was in thier era and can't hear anything good in new stuff and vice versa. in other words im old. :cry:

I'm only 15, and I can't really appreciate an old band merely for pioneering something if a newer band does the same thing, but better. I know Slayer was a huge influence on many death & black metal bands but I prefer many of them over Slayer, because they are simply better.
I don't see what you mean. If you prefer something, doesn't that mean you appreciate that more than something else?
I think what he means to say is that you can like other bands more than the pioneers but you had better damn well respect them for what they did.
how old are you?

I'm only 16, but my age is irrelevant when I am discussing my own personal opinion.

Age really doesn't mean a single thing, it is all about the individual's ability to analyze and critically listen to music. While I am far from great at this, I would say I am fairly competent, as music is the only passion in my life, and I form my opinions on it very critically.

All in all, we're all listening to the same music, it really comes down to personal preference and interpretation of the art when we're talking about the quality of music.

Forgive the ridiculous lateness of this reply.
VX5 said:
If it can be measured with candelas, then that kind of brilliance is not subjective

Currently the brilliance of a thing that isn't a light or another radiant object cannot be measured and qualified objectively, making brilliance subjective.

As usual, he's spot on, and irrefutable. A post worthy of having its proverbial dick sucked. Chupa-chupa! ;)
I think what he means to say is that you can like other bands more than the pioneers but you had better damn well respect them for what they did.

I do, I respect Slayer. But I don't really listen to them a lot. Iron Maiden on the other hand, is an influential band that I can both respect and enjoy.