Controversial opinions on metal

Entombed is ace. I used to feel the vocals weren't harsh enough (probably said so in this very thread), but I started to like them a lot when I started listening to less harsh forms of music again.

I think the guitar tone makes up for the less "br00tal" vocals.
Ad either way, L.G. Petrov still kicks ass.
Hell no. Clandestine is trash, Left Hand Path, while overrated as fuck, has some great tracks (admittedly all aside from the title track were Nihilist tracks done better as Nihilist but still!)
Clandestine is more consistent. It seems like Left Hand Path gets steadily more boring and uninspired as the album progresses.
Wolverine Blues is awesome.
And honestly, I think Left Hand Path and Clandestine are both as good, it just comes down to personal preference
I've never been able to get into Swedish DM liked Entombed. Something about the guitar tone and riffing style doesn't do it for me. It doesn't sound bad, it just doesn't inspire the same feelings in me that other death metal does.
At this point it seems that Left Hand Path is so widely panned as overrated that it's now actually become underrated in certain circles.

Well, maybe I think some of us aren't smart enough to realize that you can't have it both ways. If I'm not allowed to blatantly bash a band, then your not allowed to praise a band. Sorry.

You're allowed to bash a band if you qualify your fucking statement. I didn't think this would be an overly difficult concept to wrap your head around.

If you're going to go out and say 'Mastodon sucks', you might want to tell us why you think they 'suck' considering the amount of critical praise they get from a wide spectrum of well-regarded music critics, both traditional metal pundits and non-traditional. I may not like Megadeath, but I will never say they 'suck' simply because I don't like their sound since I recognize how recognized the band is for the quality of most of their albums within the thrash genre.

So, this has about fucking nil to do with having it both ways.
I've never been able to get into Swedish DM liked Entombed. Something about the guitar tone and riffing style doesn't do it for me. It doesn't sound bad, it just doesn't inspire the same feelings in me that other death metal does.

I agree. Entombed is fine for a song or two in a party atmosphere but its never something I listen to personally. It just doesnt do it for me.
You're allowed to bash a band if you qualify your fucking statement. I didn't think this would be an overly difficult concept to wrap your head around.

If you're going to go out and say 'Mastodon sucks', you might want to tell us why you think they 'suck' considering the amount of critical praise they get from a wide spectrum of well-regarded music critics, both traditional metal pundits and non-traditional. I may not like Megadeath, but I will never say they 'suck' simply because I don't like their sound since I recognize how recognized the band is for the quality of most of their albums within the thrash genre.

So, this has about fucking nil to do with having it both ways.

Why do they suck? Because the songs go absolutely nowhere. None of their songs have ever ignited a feeling in me except for anger. I have no idea how they got so highly praised, it'll never make any sense to me, because I think their an awful band.

By the way, it's Megadeth. They deserve the critical acclaim.

PS: Do you see the thread title? Controversial OPINIONS? Now that seems to be a difficult concept for YOU to wrap your head around.