Controversial opinions on metal

Having dysthymia, I don't generally enjoy oppressively depressing music. If I listen to too much DSBM, I have to readjust with a bunch of positive self talk. This also means that I'm too cynical for happy music, so I usually just opt for emotionally barren tech-death and the like.
Interesting, and not unlike how I experience it. I actually stay away from black metal period for weeks and months at a time because it sort of gets in my head and I'm not sure if the music is cathartic or if I am becoming the music itself. I tend to drown myself in mindlessly happy dance music most of the time for some mysterious reason.
Yes really. Beyond the early Finnish scene, there's really nothing from the early 90's that keeps me interested anymore.

There are only a handful of genuine classics from the post-second wave while 1991-1994 still has most of the timeless stuff outside of early years. I don't know how one can possibly tire of Burzum, Darkthrone, etc. without being seriously fucked in the head.
I listen to them every couple of weeks because the truly great stuff always offers more each time around. I've probably heard HLTO a few hundred times, but it still hasn't lost one bit of potency to these ears.
I can't imagine listening to the same album that frequently. There's too much music out there to discover and such. In my early days getting into death metal forever ago I guess I did that with Altars of Madness but things were much different in 1996 than they are now.
What Brad said! I'll get infatuated with an album and listen to it for 3 days straight and then something else will grab my attention. Know what you like but hunt for more!
I used to check out alot of bands all the time when I was younger, but then I realised that I never had the time to really get into alot of albums and that most of the stuff I listened to was subpar to most classics anyway so I stopped. :p

Not sure if this is controversial but:

Walpurgisnacht > His Majesty at the Swamp
I used to check out alot of bands all the time when I was younger, but then I realised that I never had the time to really get into alot of albums and that most of the stuff I listened to was subpar to most classics anyway so I stopped. :p

This is how I feel. Though I still keep up with a lot of underground death and black metal because they're my two favorite styles of music above all, I'd much rather seek out and become intimately familiar with the classics of other styles and devote time to stuff like reading as well.
I like the newer creations within black metal: sdbm, blackened death, black thrash, bands like Wold that bring something new into it, etc. Basically anything added into it is fine by me. But when it comes to pure black metal... get the third wave the fuck away from me. I have to go for the 2nd wave for pure black metal. Newer bands just can't get it right. They're too smooth, or at best too raw, they can't get the immaculate balance that 2nd wave bands had, where it was scratchy but crisp.
What Brad said! I'll get infatuated with an album and listen to it for 3 days straight and then something else will grab my attention. Know what you like but hunt for more!

Pretty much this. Then at some point I will remember an album that kicked my ass previously, and kick my own ass for not having my ass kicked by the album more often.

I think that The Project Hate MCMXCIX has better transitions than both Opeth and Edge of Sanity! Possibly even the best transitions in metal (but that's definitely ignorant to say)
Classic albums are worthy of far more attention and should be returned to often. I like to have an intimate familiarity with albums that I actually care about and a more casual familiarity with those that I consider to be lesser works. There are a couple of newer albums that are worthy of classic status, but most newer black metal bands are pretenders to the throne. The majority of the last several posts are ignorant and kinda gay.
What Brad said! I'll get infatuated with an album and listen to it for 3 days straight and then something else will grab my attention. Know what you like but hunt for more!

I love searching for and finding new music, but not giving an album the attention it deserves is equally dumb. I mean, it took me over a week to get decently acquainted with the new Imperium Dekadenz, and even then I wasn't completely familiar with it; but there was so much going on and so much to hear.

As listeners, we need to actually take the time to learn and truly enjoy the music that catches our ears. There's so much music at our disposal because of modern technology that we've become a culture of impatient addicts, our focus constantly shifting from what we're doing to what we could be doing, so that we never stay on one thing for any worthwhile amount of time. I'm guilty of this as well, but if I really enjoy an album I make sure to give it several weeks worth of listening.


I think that The Project Hate MCMXCIX has better transitions than both Opeth and Edge of Sanity! Possibly even the best transitions in metal (but that's definitely ignorant to say)

The Project Hate are awesome.