Controversial opinions on metal

Classic albums are worthy of far more attention and should be returned to often. I like to have an intimate familiarity with albums that I actually care about and a more casual familiarity with those that I consider to be lesser works. There are a couple of newer albums that are worthy of classic status, but most newer black metal bands are pretenders to the throne. The majority of the last several posts are ignorant and kinda gay.

Of course, because musical taste isn't subjective, and it's just impossible to even THINK that someone would enjoy the contemporaries. Your the one being ignorant here. I don't care about the general populations opinion on metal and these classic albums being inherently better then anything else. That viewpoint is ignorant. I mean, I can't even sit down and listen to Hellhammer or Venom anymore because of how fucking juvenile and amateur they sound. Burzum is probably the only Norwegian Black Metal that I can still listen to and find interesting to this day.
Immolation is the most consistent USDM band of all time.
Seance is absolutely great.
The Crucifix Demo "Barriers" is just as good if not better then Disgorge's 1992 demo.
Of course, because musical taste isn't subjective, and it's just impossible to even THINK that someone would enjoy the contemporaries. Your the one being ignorant here. I don't care about the general populations opinion on metal and these classic albums being inherently better then anything else. That viewpoint is ignorant. I mean, I can't even sit down and listen to Hellhammer or Venom anymore because of how fucking juvenile and amateur they sound. Burzum is probably the only Norwegian Black Metal that I can still listen to and find interesting to this day.
If you're listeningto Venom and expecting mature music, you've gone horribly wrong somewhere.
But that's just it. Listening to any old Immortal album, or Mayhem, no matter how serious they mgiht've been at that time, it sounds almost as juvenile AS Venom to me. Sorry. I'll always prefer Deathspell Omega, Beherit, Negura Bunget, and their ilk.
Complaining about things being juvenile and liking slam and deathcore is a pretty big contradiction in itself, that's how I see it.
There's a difference here. I listen to Slam for fun, I listen to Black Metal when I want to be challenged and look deeper into things. So it's not even close to being a contradiction, as I look at different genres differently, based on what I want out of them.
"Classic" as far as listening to music is relative IMO, you'll always have a special place for the first few X albums you liked in a subgenre. And yeah Einherjar I wasn't suggesting that you shouldn't dwell on albums you like - I just can't wrap my head around people who refuse to listen to something new, period.
One of the thing that makes the classics so good is the raw emotions that comes from treading new ground and just writing what the hell you feel like instead of having a complete formula to follow. Ofcourse abit of immaturity is to be expected from that, it's part of the charm.
I just can't wrap my head around people who refuse to listen to something new, period.

It's better than when people only listen to an album once and never bother allowing it's true meaning to grow on them. Those people are just dirty fucking hipsters who only care on how many obscure bands they can get in their library.

Also, Sacramentum's debut is light years ahead of everything Dissection ever put out.
Sacramentum is far better then Dissection, although Dissection is decent. Classic doesn't mean great. They might be influential, like Entombed/Nihilist on the swedish scene, or Mayhem on the norwegian scene, etc, but there are much better albums that come afterwards. I'm sorry I'm not a kvlt fagg0t, and only listen to the originators.