Controversial opinions on metal

See I bought it on vinyl, then heard my friend play it in his car on CD and yeaaaa..... No effort in making a vinyl (and I swear even archgoat made it worth it)

edit- Why would you spend extra money on vinyl (mind you only metal bands pull this shit) on something that doesn't carry the phat record sound. For cool pnts (nope___)))
See I bought it on vinyl, then heard my friend play it in his car on CD and yeaaaa..... No effort in making a vinyl (and I swear even archgoat made it worth it)

edit- Why would you spend extra money on vinyl (mind you only metal bands pull this shit) on something that doesn't carry the phat record sound. For cool pnts (nope___)))


Mine: First Embrace of Thorns album is better than the second one.
I find newer black metal to be less mature and more juvenile than "the classics." I doubt that's very controversial. I mean, I don't find any of it to be amateur or juvenile, but if I had to choose, the choice is clear.
..... if you listen to anything Immortal, Mayhem, Emperor etc has done, and find them less juvenile then let's say Deathspell Omega, somethings wrong wtih you.
Controversial = Slaughtersun is Dawn's best album, and it's not only because of fucking "The Knell And The World" either, most songs on it turn out great after repeated listens. "The Aphelion Deserts" is a good example of a song that goes from ok to fantastic after a few listens.

Slaughtersun doesn't even come close to Naer Solen Gar Nider For Evogher, which is in the top 5 melodic BM albums of all time.
Okay, I don't agree with this talk of early black metal and the "classics" being "juvenile." I've accused certain acts of being immature, but when I say this I'm referring to the quality of the music. Some bands are clearly not fully developed, and it shows in their playing. However, when speaking of Burzum, Emperor, Immortal et al we have to realize that, even though the theatrics might be somewhat gimmicky and "juvenile," the music hardly is. All the aforementioned acts had/have a secure and definite grasp on the medium they're working in, and the reason they're classics is because they tapped into something that resonated with a large crowd. The work they produced (even much of their early material) isn't "immature" in a musical or thematic sense.
when dissection write something as amazing as cries from a restless soul i'll be willing to chip in on that discussion. oh wait they never will because nodtveldt heard how shit reinkaos is and promptly killed himself

i think burzum, immortal, darkthrone and mayhem were ridiculously inspired and an argument could be made that each of them were musical geniuses at their respective peaks. to say that black metal has very rarely scaled those dizzy heights since isn't even close to being an insult; the shadow cast by those four bands is ludicrously vast, they inevitably consume just about everything.
lots of great music (arguably the majority) is the product of a more juvenile state of mind where self-awareness is yet to fully develop and so instinct prevails. this is why bands almost uniformly seem to get worse as they mature; once they begin to establish their own identity and reflect upon it the magic all fades away and self-consciousness begins to dominate, which 9 times out of 10 either leads to some real self-serious drivel or just a doomed attempt to recapture what once was.
Old school bm i.e. Darkthrone, mayhem, burzum is fucking terrible
