Controversial opinions on metal

Hair metal, nu-metal, modern metalcore, deathcore. It's all garbage. Trendy poser garbage for it's time period. I am so glad I am not one of these people who prefer Slipknot and Limp Bizkit to actual good heavy metal.
You're going to have a rectal prolapse if you keep getting that upset over a couple people mentioning they don't hate your "garbage." You're allowed to like both without betraying metal - hate to break it to you!
Hair metal, nu-metal, modern metalcore, deathcore. It's all garbage. Trendy poser garbage for it's time period. I am so glad I am not one of these people who prefer Slipknot and Limp Bizkit to actual good heavy metal.

you know, it's ok to stick on some slipknot or limp bizkit, if you like that kinda thing, and enjoy it, in a completely different way than you enjoy your "serious" metal. there's definitely entertainment factor in both bands, and i think it's pretty disrespectful to slipknot to lump them in with limp bizkit.
There is no musically, socially, philosophically or financially redeeming quality to Limp Bizkit's music.

Can't speak for Slipknot, I've never listened to them.
Why is it when people talk about Nu-Metal Limp Bizkit,etc.. is brought up ?. Regardless if nu-metal was decent or is terrible get annoyed when people judge genre's because of terrible bands. It's the samething being a DM fan. And you could say this about any genre.
Us Metalheads seem to be the only ones who even acknowlege the existance of nu-metal,it's been pretty much forgotten by pop culture,yet we are left with the curse of some fucking black stain in the history of metal.
How many decent metal albums regardless what style came out of the genre after the 80's early 90's ?, not many. Metal is a curse. Nu-metal by no means stained metal.
It did in my book,although I don't even consider those bands to be metal anyways apart from the sound and even that's questionable,in spirit and attitude nu-metal has more in common with rap than metal.So if your argument holds ground metal died after the 90's ?
Us Metalheads seem to be the only ones who even acknowlege the existance of nu-metal,it's been pretty much forgotten by pop culture,yet we are left with the curse of some fucking black stain in the history of metal.

Exactly. It's like a disgusting growth you can't get rid of.

@Death Delirium: and there are plenty of good metal albums that came out since the 80s or 90s. maybe you're not looking hard enough.
Agreed. They get shit on because no one actually stops to listen to them. It's metal. Get over it. Fanbase is composed almost entirely of idoits and fat 13 year old girls? Yes. Amazing musicians? No. Metal? Yes.

I agree about everything, but keep in your mind that I'm not an idiot (nor a genius), I'm a male, I'm slim and am 24. And that a band can be good without being necessarily formed by amazing musicians.
So, anyway, how is Roots better than Beneath the Remains??

It's more varied in terms of song writing and even though it hardly pioneered nu metal (it was Jonathan Davis making a guess appearance on a Sep album, not the opposite) it's still an important album in the sub-genre's development. Beneath the Remains is still full of groove, but of a tired one-note-thrash-ala-The Thing That Should Not Be style.

Hair metal, nu-metal, modern metalcore, deathcore. It's all garbage. Trendy poser garbage for it's time period. I am so glad I am not one of these people who prefer Slipknot and Limp Bizkit to actual good heavy metal.

Don't forget flower metal and ambient-depressive-suicidal-whatever black metal. I am so glad I am not one of those people who prefer Sonata Arctica and Xasthur to actual good heavy metal. It's like Sigur Ros and Lustmord are somehow more acceptable to mix with metal than hardcore these days.

@Death Delirium: and there are plenty of good metal albums that came out since the 80s or 90s. maybe you're not looking hard enough.

But most of them were released by bands with roots in the 80's or early 90's, and the best stuff post-1994-ish still falls short of the best of 84-94.