Controversial opinions on metal

The first four songs on Paranoid(well 3, excluding Planet Caravan) are extremely underrated by tons of metalheads simply because of how popular they are.
I can agree with that. Same applies to the sad saps that can't enjoy half of Number of the Beast or British Steel. Paranoid was actually the last of the good Ozzy albums I heard, and thankfully I was only familiar with the title track (via the Megadeth cover) before my first proper listen.

I can't tell if you're laughing at me for what I meant (I knew the Dio albums and a few Martin albums before any Ozzy Sabbath) or if you're laughing at how removing context makes it sound like I said Paranoid was the last good Ozzy Sabbath album.

Sonata Arctica and Xasthur are not trendy bands HamburgerBoy. Your way out of your mind now.

The depressive faggot bedroom black metal trend is at its peak, or at least, reached one very recently. You don't see them in the real world too much, but they're all over the internet. I suppose that retro thrash is kind of pushing them back though, as far as MySpace metal is concerned.

And Sonata Arctica is the only European power band I see t-shirts of in real life. They embrace the flower a bit more with each release and are now simply pop music, much like those Swedish and Finnish once-death metal bands that now play "goth metal" or some laughable shit. Ok, I've realized that my insulting of power and black metal alone was too narrow, but I've still further proved that hair, nu, and -core aren't the only trendy forms of metal. Most of it has been taken over by a wave of scene-worshipping misery at one point.
But most of them were released by bands with roots in the 80's or early 90's, and the best stuff post-1994-ish still falls short of the best of 84-94.

I repeat. Not looking hard enough. There are plenty of good bands who have formed after 1994 and made excellent albums. Look harder, or just continue being left behind.

and obviously not everything is going to be as good as the original classics, but there are damn good modern metal bands that put out great albums in recent years. We'll just have to wait a while and see if they stand the test of time to be considered a classic.

and finally. LOL @ Beneath the Remains not being good. Maybe you ought to take your head out of Metallica's ass, because Schizophrenia and BtR are better than anything they did post Ride the Lightning.
I repeat. Not looking hard enough. There are plenty of good bands who have formed after 1994 and made excellent albums. Look harder, or just continue being left behind.

and obviously not everything is going to be as good as the original classics, but there are damn good modern metal bands that put out great albums in recent years. We'll just have to wait a while and see if they stand the test of time to be considered a classic.

and finally. LOL @ Beneath the Remains not being good. Maybe you ought to take your head out of Metallica's ass, because Schizophrenia and BtR are better than anything they did post Ride the Lightning.

But most of these "excellent albums" are probably avant-garde funeral samba metal. :( Arcturus, Pain of Salvation, and The Lord Weird Slough Feg are all very good bands and there are some highly enjoyable albums here and there from other bands, but as a whole nothing beats the period of 1984 to 1994.

I wasn't aware that I was a Metallica fanboi, but Load shits fat breadloaf-sized fecal rings around Sepultura's let's-try-to-balance-mainstream-acceptance-and-the-limitations-of-death/thrash-at-the-same-time albums, let alone Master of Puppets. But of course, Metallica can write some seriously brilliant rock music, so my mentioning of Load is not meant as derision against Metallica's 90's period at all. The only thing from that period approaching the greatness of songs like Until it Sleeps or The Outlaw Torn was Arise's cover art.
Someone who's saying Xasthur is trendy and Roots is better then BtR? He's a bigger troll then I am.
Someone who's saying Xasthur is trendy and Roots is better then BtR? He's a bigger troll then I am.

Xasthur is very popular among the kvlt kids. They're just like the goths, thinking themselves as fighters of the collectivist herd mind as they pile over each other, hoping to keep every nugget expelled from the almighty ANUS for their own nihilistic consumption.
lol ya xasthur being trendy is so controversial omg what a troll

beneath the remains slays though, songwriting is a bit uneven but my god the intensity in places is almost ludicrous, it stretches so fucking taut and then when it explodes it's like a frigging atom bomb.

modern metal vs old school metal debate yea let's have another one of those ACTUALLY LET'S NOT YOU DEGENERATE BUNCH OF TOSSERS

this thread is 757 pages of molten crap.
BENEEF DA REMAINS!!!, JUMP DA FUCK UP. Max Cavalera went from being beneath da remains to jumpin' da fuck up out of da remains. out da remains world tour, dat should be da sepultura reunion concert, everyone jump da fuck up all night.
beneath the remains slays though, songwriting is a bit uneven but my god the intensity in places is almost ludicrous, it stretches so fucking taut and then when it explodes it's like a frigging atom bomb.

I agree that BtR is a great album, but Arise is an uninspired piece of bland shite. It's no wonder they changed direction for Chaos AD (which is also a bland and uninspired album, but it's better than Arise). Roots to me is where they finally found some inspiration again. It's easily written of as nu-metal rubbish but it's got some great stuff on it.
No, it really doesn't.
Are you seriously bashing Arise and then praising Roots? Roots has some unique stuff on it, in that every autistic kid is a special snowflake. Arise has stupid intros but is otherwise fucking kickass in the same way BtR is.
I can agree with that. Same applies to the sad saps that can't enjoy half of Number of the Beast or British Steel. Paranoid was actually the last of the good Ozzy albums I heard, and thankfully I was only familiar with the title track (via the Megadeth cover) before my first proper listen.

Are you on crack? What about Masters of Reality or Sabbath Bloody Sabbath? Also, I won't get into all the other retarded shit you've been spewing on this page and the few previous, but I really do wonder if you're all there, mentally.
Are you on crack? What about Masters of Reality or Sabbath Bloody Sabbath? Also, I won't get into all the other retarded shit you've been spewing on this page and the few previous, but I really do wonder if you're all there, mentally.

I can't tell if you're laughing at me for what I meant (I knew the Dio albums and a few Martin albums before any Ozzy Sabbath) or if you're laughing at how removing context makes it sound like I said Paranoid was the last good Ozzy Sabbath album.


No, it really doesn't.
Are you seriously bashing Arise and then praising Roots? Roots has some unique stuff on it, in that every autistic kid is a special snowflake. Arise has stupid intros but is otherwise fucking kickass in the same way BtR is.

Arise is mid-tempo chuggery galore. A sloppy, musically underdeveloped stripping away yet another layer of ferocity until all that remains is the bare musical foundation of thrash, i.e., extremely boring one-note chugs and power chords. When they do pull out some death/thrash tremolo riffage it's so rudimentary that it would have been boring on Slayer's Hell Awaits. Just listen to the main verse riff of Dead Embryonic Cells; that crap is basically Practice What You Preach-level whiffle thrash.
I agree that BtR is a great album, but Arise is an uninspired piece of bland shite. It's no wonder they changed direction for Chaos AD (which is also a bland and uninspired album, but it's better than Arise). Roots to me is where they finally found some inspiration again. It's easily written of as nu-metal rubbish but it's got some great stuff on it.

I personally don't see how anyone can hate on Arise and praise Roots, but each to their own.