Controversial opinions on metal

seasoned dm fanatics who hate deicide s/t at the very least are just posing or haven't had a proper listen (which is posing anyway), it's too closely related to all the stuff they love for that to genuinely be the case. if opinions can't be wrong, they can sure as hell be inconsistent with other opinions, and this is one of those cases.


Some people are starting to make sense around here.
Because I'm an egotist I did a self-search on the number of times I've used the word "elitist" (let alone formulate an argument based on the opposite party being one), and I found a grand total of one post. Maybe my ridiculing of you in using terms like "mallgoth", "jumpdafuckup", and "niggerdom" as if they're meaningful musical descriptors comes off as elitist, but that's only testament to how low your level of debate is.

And Slayer's solos are generally crap. Sometimes they work with what they're trying to achieve, but often they're nothing more than one-take guitar rape, as live performances attempting to replicate them indicate.

Who said anything of Sadus?


Kid you are notorious around here for being a bad debater.
I can't grasp why people have such a hard time grasping that someone just does not like a band.
You might aswell say that just because someone likes grunge rock they have to like Nirvana. And I love grunge rock and think Nirvana sucks. Please don't make me listen too In Utero 5 times. I've heard it.
I honestly have no problem with Nirvana. Bleach, in particular, is a fun listen. I always thought Pearl Jam was the shitty grunge band in the scene and influenced a lot of shitty post-"grunge" radio rock.
I do not even mention that I can't stand Pearl Jam because forget about them, they suck so bad.
Beherit all the way.

Something controversial. If you listen to Deathcore and think of it as a completely different genre, and don't expect anything more then just stupid heaviness, it can be fun music, especially Whitechapel's The Somatic Defilement.
Some deathcore is actually pretty fun... not exactly the most artistic music in the world but it's fun.