Controversial opinions on metal

The reason it might seem as if there are no "standout" moments is because everything is of an incredibly high quality as it is. They rely on substance, not flashiness so there aren't going to be many "WOW" moments during a casual listen, but after repeated in depth listens there is going to just be this sense of awe listening to them.
The Chasm is a very weird band. I mean, it is all of decent to high quality, but it really just seems like it builds up and builds up to nothing. Same problem that makes many drone and funeral doom bands bad.
Trolling aside, you are missing my complaint. Mainly it is about lack of discernable structure at the end of the song. As I said, the songs just kind of die off, like when you run out of stuff to say and wind up with an awkward silence.

I suppose that could be a valid complaint, but how else are they to end their songs? With a violent drum crash, with a cliche one last second guitar riff?

And yeah, gundam I'm pretty sure EO is THAT guy.
Of course the retard would find merit in that comment.


still a hipster fag
Generalizations are general.

Traditional 'doom' is an extension of heavy metal.
Death/doom is an extension of death metal.
Funeral doom is an extension of myriad influences, but I believe its main derivation is death/doom.
i actually think the last couple of chasm records could have like 10 minutes chopped off and benefit from it, the songs do tread water in places. and obviously the early stuff is all over the place.

now DEATHCULT on the other hand... just stfu.
Generalizations are general.

Traditional 'doom' is an extension of heavy metal.
Death/doom is an extension of death metal.
Funeral doom is an extension of myriad influences, but I believe its main derivation is death/doom.

... But isn't there two versions of death/doom? The Autospy brand, and the November's Doom/Swallow the Sun brand? :S