Controversial opinions on metal

Nice triple post.

And, no MCR isn't the worst band ever, in fact I like almost everything pre Black Parade... which was so bad it was sickening. Before that, they weren't bad at all.

I discovered the other day that MCR has some serious nostalgia value for me, which is weird because the only time I listened to them is when I was going out with a chick who dug them, and I have always thought they were faggots.

I discovered the other day that MCR has some serious nostalgia value for me, which is weird because the only time I listened to them is when I was going out with a chick who dug them, and I have always thought they were faggots.


So have you joined the black parade yet?
-I like Slayer but think there abit overrated

-There best albums were South Of Heaven and Show No Mercy

-Morbid Angel are just meh

-Metalcore is actually tolerable

-Megadeth have always owned Metallica

-Dark Tranquility are fucking terrible.

-Destroyer 666 own most other black metal bands

-Opeth isnt even relevent
Morbid angel is awesome, yes, but I really think that Opeth is irrelevant to metal.

EDIT: Also, Destroyer 666 rule in borders of black/trash, but I definately wouldn't put them above every other blackmetal band.
St. Anger is a joke and has to be the worst Metallica album. Also, James Hetfield's voice really gets on my nerves anymore which is part of the reason I can't stand what I've heard from Death Magnetic.
-I like Slayer but think there abit overrated Yes

-There best albums were South Of Heaven and Show No Mercy No

-Morbid Angel are just meh Yes
-Metalcore is actually tolerable Some of it

-Megadeth have always owned Metallica Yes

-Dark Tranquility are fucking terrible. Absolutely NOT.

-Opeth isnt even relevent They are very relevant.
-I like Slayer but think there abit overrated

-There best albums were South Of Heaven and Show No Mercy

-Morbid Angel are just meh

-Metalcore is actually tolerable

-Megadeth have always owned Metallica

-Dark Tranquility are fucking terrible.

-Destroyer 666 own most other black metal bands

-Opeth isnt even relevent

slayer were amazing, 'south of heaven' is boring, morbid angel are excellent at times, metalcore is probably always gay but i'm no expert, metallica have always owned megadeth, dark tranquillity's debut is ok, destroyer 666 own most other contemporary bands of any genre, what does 'relevant' even mean?