Controversial opinions on metal

People who form opinions on bands without hearing their classic material are retards. It's akin to me saying Burzum sucks while having only heard Dauði Baldrs.

yeah seriously, this happens all the fucking time on this board and it's retarded. esp the people who are like JUDAS PRIEST SUCKS YES EVEN THEIR SUPPOSED MASTERPIECE BRITISH STEEL
But it's a totally different experience than those bands. It's more like old Brutality. It's in the heaviness and the tone of the guys fingers and the songwriting, not in the speed or complexity.

Those releases may not be the best examples, but I think you could draw a reasonable comparison between Obit in general and, say, Mental Funeral and Blessed Are The Sick, or most of Asphyx's stuff, or, hell, older Brutality, and Obit would still not measure up.
Listen to Behind The Shadows Lie Madness and you'll find out.
Obviously Morbid Angel have an influence on them but it's not overwhelming.


I recommend you check out Worlds Beyond The Veil, that one blows me away every time. Awesome atmosphere.


Are you guys implying that Forever Advancing Legions is NOT a good album by Mithras?
Here's one. Clandestine is really, really overrated and would have sounded way better with Petrov on vocals. Also the samples kind of get annoying here and there. It's not bad and pretty memorable but Nicke's vocals are really, really gay.