Controversial opinions on metal

Maybe it's just me, but Napalm Death - Scum = what's the big deal?

there is no big deal, imo. Scum and FETO weren't all that great, in fact, they downright sucked on a lot of levels (same thing with Carcass's first two, hell, even the band thinks they sucked on those). But I think that's what actually attracted some people to it, was the lack of quality. I much prefer Harmony Corruption - Code Is Red to the albums prior and after.
Death Metal and Power Metal are probably the worst genres of metal. I do like bands from both genres but most bands from either really don't do it for me.
What are the good ND albums? I've definitely heard some quality material from them, although it was more death metal.

I definitely don't like the 30-seconds-of-incoherent-yelling-and-noise style grindcore. Fortunately I have ohiogrinder on ignore, so I won't have to watch him complain about this post, but I hope you guys enjoy his pointless outbursts.
Death Metal .......are probably the worst genres of metal.
