Controversial opinions on metal

the last track off that album is perfect reading music. I feel a hint of the forest in this one. (burzum)

I see your darkthrone and I raise you...


Originally Posted by Satanstoenail
They may as well rename it 'Gayer than two men fucking each other up the arse metal'.
"Seventeen shades of the gayest gay that should be ceased henceforth" metal

"A most gallant display of faggotry I hope you gorge yourself to death on a family of hedgehogs" metal.

But seriously, it's a bit dodge.
Quit being a bunch of homophobes and try being comfortable in your sexuality.

And bask in the fruity gloriousness:

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I watched The Land Before Time when I was little and my parents went over to my neighbors' house. I was sitting on the couch drinking Yoohoo when the mother died. I got really upset and started crying and looking for my mother. I ended up going outside standing on the porch and crying for my mother.

So yeah, thanks for unearthing that memory for me.
I watched The Land Before Time when I was little and my parents went over to my neighbors' house. I was sitting on the couch drinking Yoohoo when the mother died. I got really upset and started crying and looking for my mother. I ended up going outside standing on the porch and crying for my mother.

So yeah, thanks for unearthing that memory for me.

I just remember thinking it was kind of lame when all the grown-up dinosaurs fought off the velociraptors at the end of whichever one that happened in.
I mean, really? For one thing, the little dinosaurs learned nothing because they didn't face the consequences of their actions, so it's basically teaching children to run away from home and everything will be okay. And secondly, a bunch of velociraptors would WRECK their shit.
Littlefoot was the man, though.
Pink Floyd was one of the best bands ever
Exodus sucks now
the best two iron maiden albums are iron maidens and killers
john bush is a good vocalist but only in armored saint
elements by atheist sucked
I agree with you on all counts, though I'd say PF were just a really spectacular band, not really one of the best ever. A lot of people think so, though, including my father, so meh.
Pink Floyd was one of the best bands ever
Exodus sucks now
the best two iron maiden albums are iron maidens and killers
john bush is a good vocalist but only in armored saint
elements by atheist sucked

Iron Maiden were good till brave new world imo, I actually liked Blaze when he was in the band for a bit...amazing vocals.
Hey I came in at just the right time! Here's my controversial opinion:

Ved Buens Ende > Darkthrone. For several reasons.

They knew when to stop, the work they released was fucking awesome and revolutionary, and their subsequent projects have been just as awesome. They don't bitch to TV screens, they don't dwell on the past. They're true musicians and artists, and bucked the trends of a scene that was and still is a ridiculous cry out for attention, a scene that Darkthrone epitomizes to this day.