Controversial opinions on metal

Pink Floyd was one of the best bands ever
Exodus sucks now
the best two iron maiden albums are iron maidens and killers
john bush is a good vocalist but only in armored saint
elements by atheist sucked

- Yes
- Actually, Exodus was never very impressive to me. They had their moments, I guess.
- That is the most played out pseudo-elitist cocky underground music dweeb bullshit and I'm tired of hearing it. If I have to hear another 17 year old faggot in a reprinted Burzum t-shirt try to tell me what good Maiden is and what bad Maiden is I'm going to blow up a high school.
- Yes. Sound Of White Noise was a good album, for what it was, however.
- No

While we're all chipping in our $0.02:
-Music trends are easily predictable, even within the realm of metal. Popular styles change every 10 years and borrow from what was popular 20 years previous. Newer (popular) bands in 2011 and beyond will borrow heavily from grunge, post-hardcore, and Swedish and Finnish death metal.
-Speaking of trends, the disdain for what I like in metal music is at a fever pitch right now because these attributes were ran into the ground by metalcore and melodeath: dual-guitar harmonies, blast beats, shredding guitar solos. I'm going to miss those.
-Black Sabbath was never a doom band.
-Exhumed is slightly better than Carcass.
-Obsolete by Fear Factory was a good album.
Pink Floyd was one of the best bands ever
Exodus sucks now
the best two iron maiden albums are iron maidens and killers
john bush is a good vocalist but only in armored saint
elements by atheist sucked

Genesis is better, imo. But Pink Floyd are still awesome.
No. The best is either Fear of the Dark or Powerslave.
I like watching the Celtics and the Redsox, but I don't have cable, and it's hard for me to get into a game through the radio.
- Actually, Exodus was never very impressive to me. They had their moments, I guess.
-Black Sabbath was never a doom band.
-Obsolete by Fear Factory was a good album.

I dunno. The "trends" don't really bother me as I don't pay melodeath and metalcore enough attention to notice an overuse of any of those attributes.

I mean, yeah, I like, even love, a few modern melodeath and metalcore bands, but those are few and far between.
Gotta have a mention of King Crimson in there, although personally I'd put Pink Floyd above all of those bands on a songwriting scale.
Pink Floyd was one of the best bands ever
Exodus sucks now
the best two iron maiden albums are iron maidens and killers
john bush is a good vocalist but only in armored saint
elements by atheist sucked

- Yes
- They still rock
- Powerslave and Killers for me
- John Bush sucks giant balls
- Elements isn't a bad album, it's just different :cool:
- Yes
- They still rock
- Powerslave and Killers for me
- John Bush sucks giant balls
- Elements isn't a bad album, it's just different :cool:

i gave elements another listening to... it kind of suprised me it is good! And I like Tempo of the damned alot i just dont like the new singer and ive fully listened through all his stuff
Dimmu Borgir doesn't deserve half the shit talk they get compared to the sea of shitty newer metal bands out at the moment.

August burns red sounds fucking amazing at times. matt greiner is one hell of a drummer.

i hate behemoth
i hate gorgoroth

metallica is a bunch of overrated jackoffs, ride the lightning is the only contradiction. not to mention they've sold out more than hannah montanna.

I worship Alexi Laiho

The best guitarist to ever live was Tony Macalpine.

immortals music video's are fucking awesome.

i am a rush fanboy, and just paid 200 dollars for tickets to their show in Toledo.