Convince my wife to let me record a band

"the voice of reason" has spoken

I think the good natured sarcasm in statements like "get your ass kicked on here" should be more than obvious. Ass kicked, as in people busting your balls ...

its funny and its ok to laugh. I don't think there are any internet commandos here


You're right - just wanted to be sure there wasn't gonna be any HCAF-syndrome developing :)
Well, considering you have to take expensive equipment with you, I don't think its funny that you are abit hesistant on meeting people you have never seen before and no assurance of thier legitimacy as musicians. However, you have to take risks. My advice is to meet them in a public place while keeping your equipment at a "safe" distance.

To assure your wife you're going to be ok (and to also get the job done faster), get a friend who is also into recording to be your assistant. That way, they'll think twice on jumping you and running off with your equipment.

PS- if you want to be really safe, Wear a leather jacket with a bloodstained a Devourment or (insert porno/gore/death grind band name here) T-shirt and get a pitbull to join your posse. I bet they won't fuck around then.

No but seriously, I'm sure that if you do your research well you wouldn't run into problems. After all, it is your precious equipment on the line and I don't blame you for being cautious.
Meet them in a busy public place with a freind or 2 of yours with you before you record them- a few days or a week or whateer in advance, don't carry anything of value- ie don't go carrying 250 dollars/ expensive phone on your person if your afraid of being robbed.

Common sense really will keep you out of trouble- i've met guys for terades and buying gear off before and have never had a problem,
Meet prior to session days, weeks. Public place. Take cell phone with cam. Take a picture or two of those involved. That should do the trick.