Cool Occupations

I would totally spitewrite, like flying over Yasser Arafat's hideout and making a huge STAR OF DAVID or flying low over wealthy peoples' outdoor weddings and writing dirty limericks about girls from Nantucket.
i would be scared i would spell shit wrong.
like 'happy birfday lisa!' or something.

i think i may actually have a side job as a model soon for the city posing as a teenager in an anti-drug ad which is so ironic for so many reasons i cannot begin to explain it.
well, for one, i would be looking up at the camera with a caption "who do you want your daughter to look up to?" and i would be posing as a 16 year old girl. i am 27. also, i've done enough drugs to have this be more ironic than a mullet and a studded belt.
they sent me the proof for one and i look like a teenage whore.

hmm i will have to sit and give some thought to my days of coroner's office internship to drum up some nice stories.
Originally posted by the_preppy
well, for one, i would be looking up at the camera with a caption "who do you want your daughter to look up to?" and i would be posing as a 16 year old girl. i am 27. also, i've done enough drugs to have this be more ironic than a mullet and a studded belt.
they sent me the proof for one and i look like a teenage whore.

hmm i will have to sit and give some thought to my days of coroner's office internship to drum up some nice stories.

...vat of organs...embalming fluid...
post the picture? no way. i'm ultra paranoid due to a serious internet stalker. sorry.

also, seipp..... those were the good old days.
i will try if i have time later to write about some headless people or some shit.

p.s. brainz rule.