Cool shit happenning in "Borknaworld"

Its totally a game show and Gaahl is the host lol.

About Vortex...hes the only bassist for Borknagar as far as Im concerned. Jan Erik is a great player but I remember when Vortex left Bork and joined Dimmu. Bork came up with some really great music after that but for me, Borknagar needs a bit of the Vortex sound in it to flow right. Just my taste. I think its safe for me to say that hes definately one of the coolest, easiest going people Ive ever worked with. So Im hoping he is around for a while and we can make some cool music and shit together. If he only does live stuff with us, then so be it...but I have a feeling that he will be in the picture with us for some cool shit down the road. So just to make it clear, Vintersorg is in the band and isnt planning on leaving or being kicked out. When we email its always between Oystein, Jens, Lars, Vortex and Vintersorg...including myself.... We will see how the next live stuff goes and see what the future holds. I would think if anything, that one day we may be able to play some shows with Vintersorg and Vortex together...which I personally think would rule. Whoever recorded a certain song stand out as the main vocals and whoever else be in the backing vocals. Maybe for this DVD that we will film sometime in the next 20 years lol. No, there hasnt been any DVD talk either. I bring it up occasionally but I think if we are going to do it, we better do it right. I would want to make something like the Opeth DVD with TONS of shit on it, behind the scenes and making of stuff and whatnot. 666.1 surround sound lol. Id also love to do a special Euro tour of that show....make it like 2 hours long. Have special tour merch with custom shirts for each city like Maiden does....Oh man, ya I have a ton of ideas up my sleeve. Now I just have to try and make this shit actually happen.

Just so you know, man, we really appreciate you talking to us about stuff like this. Most of us have a preference as to who we think is the "better" singer, but the most awesome situation possible is that both those guys are in the band long term. I think most fans feel that way. Vortex was Borky's singer when I first got hooked; at the same time, many of us are huge fans of Mr.V and his Vintersorg solo material. I think it's amazing that after so many years, both musicians are back in the band. I hope you know that we all share the sentiment you express in this post, that is, that having those two in the band FUCKING RULES. We are cognizant, my friend. And we are elated.

Just make sure you cats always leave a little space for Lars to have a cameo, as we love him, too. =)

Edit: And tour the USA, goddamn it. ^_^
Just so you know, man, we really appreciate you talking to us about stuff like this. Most of us have a preference as to who we think is the "better" singer, but the most awesome situation possible is that both those guys are in the band long term. I think most fans feel that way. Vortex was Borky's singer when I first got hooked; at the same time, many of us are huge fans of Mr.V and his Vintersorg solo material. I think it's amazing that after so many years, both musicians are back in the band. I hope you know that we all share the sentiment you express in this post, that is, that having those two in the band FUCKING RULES. We are cognizant, my friend. And we are elated.

Just make sure you cats always leave a little space for Lars to have a cameo, as we love him, too. =)

Edit: And tour the USA, goddamn it. ^_^

yeah! i think this decision will make a lot people really happy...i'm sure everyone will agree about this.
and i hope all the blood feuds between vintersorg-ers and vortex-ers will stop here! :p
Its totally a game show and Gaahl is the host lol.

About Vortex...hes the only bassist for Borknagar as far as Im concerned. Jan Erik is a great player but I remember when Vortex left Bork and joined Dimmu. Bork came up with some really great music after that but for me, Borknagar needs a bit of the Vortex sound in it to flow right. Just my taste. I think its safe for me to say that hes definately one of the coolest, easiest going people Ive ever worked with. So Im hoping he is around for a while and we can make some cool music and shit together. If he only does live stuff with us, then so be it...but I have a feeling that he will be in the picture with us for some cool shit down the road. So just to make it clear, Vintersorg is in the band and isnt planning on leaving or being kicked out. When we email its always between Oystein, Jens, Lars, Vortex and Vintersorg...including myself.... We will see how the next live stuff goes and see what the future holds. I would think if anything, that one day we may be able to play some shows with Vintersorg and Vortex together...which I personally think would rule. Whoever recorded a certain song stand out as the main vocals and whoever else be in the backing vocals. Maybe for this DVD that we will film sometime in the next 20 years lol. No, there hasnt been any DVD talk either. I bring it up occasionally but I think if we are going to do it, we better do it right. I would want to make something like the Opeth DVD with TONS of shit on it, behind the scenes and making of stuff and whatnot. 666.1 surround sound lol. Id also love to do a special Euro tour of that show....make it like 2 hours long. Have special tour merch with custom shirts for each city like Maiden does....Oh man, ya I have a ton of ideas up my sleeve. Now I just have to try and make this shit actually happen.

Ya, no one is kicked out or leaving. Vintersorg is still very much a big part of Borknagar. lol. I fixed my rant above and made that a bit more clear.

Also, once we do a live DVD, it'll be on BLAK-RAY in 666.1 surround with 55 different drum angles...because Im sure it will be a bit until something like us doing a live DVD happens.

As far as 2011, nothing confirmed...always stuff being talked about but thats it. We are focussing on what the "cool shit" is for the time being.

Im trying to move to Oslo by Febuary, since Ive been saying that Im going to move there for 2 years now. Crazy...Ive already been in the band for 2 years. Im getting old.

As someone else already said, holy macaroni those posts made my month. It's nice to have good news in what's otherwise been two very pesky weeks. I (and everyone else here) really appreciates you keeping us up to date with all the stuff going on with the band. Thanks!

Ohh Vortex and Mr V in one, same, band. My heart skips a bit when I just think of that, oh my oh my oh my. Really, I think most of Bork's fans felt all sort of weird stuff when they read that. Oh my.

I'm really excited/confused? about the news, since I now have no idea what you're going to announce.

Haha yeah, I remember when I interviewed Øystein that he said about you something like "He better learn Norwegian since he's planning to move here". Wow but really, two years already? Congratulations :) ! Oslo is a great city, I love that it's not too big and that you can take the metro/train and be oppi fjellet in less than 30 minutes.

We arent really going to announce anything. It was aimed to be more of a "Hey, we are alive and stuff is going on" post. In traditional Borkee tradition, every single word I said has been taken into context lol and twisted in 400 ways so Im not giving any details until we have something solid with whats going on. All I can say it its a bit un-expected, but still cool and a good thing I guess. In re: to all the Vinter Vortex stuff above...I like both singers. I mean, it would really be interesting to hear Vortex sing The Genuine Pulse...but ya, doesnt matter to me. Im friends with both guys. It all comes down to Vintersorg being busy with work and us wanting to tour and do stuff. So ya.
! Oslo is a great city, I love that it's not too big and that you can take the metro/train and be oppi fjellet in less than 30 minutes.


Oslo really isn't all that great. The first thing you see when exiting the train station is a group of junkies dealing drugs, doing drugs and being passed out, and when you get past that the city isn't all that interesting. I'd much rather recommend going to Bergen or Stavanger if one should take a trip to Norway.
We arent really going to announce anything. It was aimed to be more of a "Hey, we are alive and stuff is going on" post. In traditional Borkee tradition, every single word I said has been taken into context lol and twisted in 400 ways so Im not giving any details until we have something solid with whats going on. All I can say it its a bit un-expected, but still cool and a good thing I guess. In re: to all the Vinter Vortex stuff above...I like both singers. I mean, it would really be interesting to hear Vortex sing The Genuine Pulse...but ya, doesnt matter to me. Im friends with both guys. It all comes down to Vintersorg being busy with work and us wanting to tour and do stuff. So ya.

Haha OK, thanks for letting us know that everyone's still alive.

And so, we wait for further details.

Actually, I can't imagine Vortex singing the Genuine Pulse. I think more of a Vortex and Mr V duo (i.e. instant eargasm).

Oslo really isn't all that great. The first thing you see when exiting the train station is a group of junkies dealing drugs, doing drugs and being passed out, and when you get past that the city isn't all that interesting. I'd much rather recommend going to Bergen or Stavanger if one should take a trip to Norway.

Bergen is obviously nicer, as it never stops raining (not being sarcastic there :) ), but hey when you compare Oslo to certain Central-American cities (San José, CR *cof cof*) it's actually pretty nice. And I did see more people being passed out/women pissing on the pavement/two guys fighting across said pavement/etc. in Bergen hehe.

Ahh I do remember a Thinking Allowed podcast on junkies in Norge; it was very interesting.
Ohh Vortex and Mr V in one, same, band. My heart skips a bit when I just think of that, oh my oh my oh my. Really, I think most of Bork's fans felt all sort of weird stuff when they read that. Oh my.

In fact, it's like Vintersorg, Vortex AND Lars. I would kill for listening the 3 of them singing on an entire album at the same time.... oh my Cthulhu! that's really incredible!!!!!
In fact, it's like Vintersorg, Vortex AND Lars. I would kill for listening the 3 of them singing on an entire album at the same time.... oh my Cthulhu! that's really incredible!!!!!

OH CTHULHU can you imagine that? I was only counting the "main", not "back" vocalists. Please forgive me Lars :( .

Ohhh that'll certainly be something…. *heart attack*
OH CTHULHU can you imagine that? I was only counting the "main", not "back" vocalists. Please forgive me Lars :( .

Ohhh that'll certainly be something…. *heart attack*

Since Origin, Lars is getting more leads on vocals, which is fucking amazing (like on For a Thousand Years to Come, besides his own track per album), so I hope he'll get some solo parts to shine too on a future album.

The only thing I can think that would be even better is to have Garm as guest on 1 track, harmonizing with everyone and/or an all grim vocal track sung by Ihsahn, with backing vocals from the rest of the guys with cleans... it would kick the universe' ass).
Since Origin, Lars is getting more leads on vocals, which is fucking amazing (like on For a Thousand Years to Come, besides his own track per album), so I hope he'll get some solo parts to shine too on a future album.

The only thing I can think that would be even better is to have Garm as guest on 1 track, harmonizing with everyone and/or an all grim vocal track sung by Ihsahn, with backing vocals from the rest of the guys with cleans... it would kick the universe' ass).

True, true, I didn't fully realise, until now, how relevant he's been in the vocals.

Haha obviously we would all like "ever major singer from the Norwegian scene singing in one song"… but hey I agree, having the four (see how I included Lars there? ;)) + Vegard (Ihsahn) woud be wicked. But I'd rather hear every singer that has ever been in Borknagar in one song + diverse combinations in one same album; I think that adding more vocalist might be excessive. Therion excessive, that is.
True, true, I didn't fully realise, until now, how relevant he's been in the vocals.

Haha obviously we would all like "ever major singer from the Norwegian scene singing in one song"… but hey I agree, having the four (see how I included Lars there? ;)) + Vegard (Ihsahn) woud be wicked. But I'd rather hear every singer that has ever been in Borknagar in one song + diverse combinations in one same album; I think that adding more vocalist might be excessive. Therion excessive, that is.

Damn...only thinking on that is a dream.

We know...we are dreaming about that...but...maybe is there a 0.1% of chances to listen something like that on the future...i really cant imagine how nice can be that.
those 2 (3) singers together (V, Vortex, Lars) would enheighten Borknagars popularity in a very excessive way, no doubt.

maybe then they finally obtain the recognisition they deserve!
what about a tour presenting Solefald as guest? :P
yeah of course, but not too many people came for Borknagar when they played Holland etc last year (at least from what i've seen and heard), that was quite disappointing.
I think the turnout was surprisingly well, also taking into account that it was in a remote part of the country, far from the bigger cities. Although The Netherlands is a pretty small country, people here often start complaining when they have to travel more than one hour...
I think the turnout was surprisingly well, also taking into account that it was in a remote part of the country, far from the bigger cities. Although The Netherlands is a pretty small country, people here often start complaining when they have to travel more than one hour...

Tsk Dutch don't know how lucky they are. I travelled all the way to Nederlanden to see The Gathering, and they don't travel one hour hehe. Anyhow, Nederlanden usually has brilliant Prog gigs; I'd even dare to say that it's the country that has the most Prog gigs/festivals in Europe.

This reminds me of the Arcturus show in München (I think). Apparently less than 100 people went :( .
and that's a real shame. I think it all comes down to a lack of popularity because of hardly touring and maybe a lack of good "advertising". but if they're really happy with being an "insider"-band and not attracting too many people (i.e. "normal" listeners of metal, since many of them didn't take too much notice of them; cause if those people did so I'm quite sure it wouldn't be like that) to concerts I'm fine with that too. (I hope I could explain my opinion in an understandable way ;) )
Tsk Dutch don't know how lucky they are.

Yes we don't, but with all these concerts we can afford to be picky :) Here too, time and money are limited.
don't worry, when the government cuts the cultural subsidies as they are planning to, we will get much less gigs here in NL.

On topic: i was betting on "a" tour, but Dave said no to that, so now dunno what to think of... maybe something in the lines of some new limited edition merch or something... :rolleyes: like a 2011 calendar... :lol: