Cool Suecof interview with lots of amp details...

i am a mesa guy myself but i am definetly about to pick one of these up for my studio. either a 5150I II or 6505...

Why not save some cash and get a 5150 instead of the 6505? It's the same amp.

5150 = 6505
5150II = 6505+

Same exact amplifiers, the 6505 is named that because of a contract-gone-bad between Peavey and EVH, so Peavey can't use 5150 anymore. Get a 5150 or 5150II on eBay, typically you will save a significant amount of dough by going that route instead of 6505/6505+ which are newer and can garner higher resale.

Damn, that's a heavy tone. Sounds a bit overgained and woofy, but awesome as a starting point. Maybe lower the Resonance and Gain a little and then proceed to do this ---> :rock:.
Thanks for posting a RAW clip so we get to hear exactly what it sounds like.

cool, don't know why, but somehow I recall that Mark said SANCTITY was mostly Uberschall ;)
Axeman, correct me, please.

just found this again:

And to answer the other question, The sanctity is a bit more varied amp wise. The main rhythm tones are an uberschall and my old block letter 5150. The lead tones are mostly my CAE modde jcm 800. But there is also quite alot of my engl blackmore on the record too for some leads. I've also used the uber and the kustom 72 coupe for some parts. All recorded through a marshall 412 with v30s.
Poidaobi your clip sounds very good but too much gain/presence for me... Sounds very close to to the 5150 guitar tones heard on pro albums but the more time passes by the more i like kinda "crunchy/ballsy" tones... I'd use less gain for an edgier sound.
Man, I've been jamming with those settings on my XSr™ and they ROCK. Had to bring some of the treble/presence down (just a small notch) but it's definitely killer.

EEk, if I put the treble above 4.5 and the presence above 5 on mine, my eardrums are literally torn to shreds - maybe it's the KT77's, but I can't believe you can stand it, elephant!

EDIT: Actually, I see Suecof only has the treble at 5.5, so that's not too unreasonable on an Xsr - maybe I'll experiment with that high presence thing after all...
Oh hell yeah man. I normally never put that much presence on any amp I've ever used, usually my knob is set to about 6 or 7 (out of 10)...but I just tracked some stuff with it last night set like that and just a simple low-pass at about 10-12kHz takes care of the stuff I don't like about it. But leaves the guitars very crisp and edgy, clear and holy crap do they BITE!

What about the cab? the article says nothing about that. The best sounding 5150s i've heard were played through peavey cabs. I did a demo for a band with 5150II and XXX thru peavey cabs and they sounded great together.
Im famous! haha jk

glad you guys enjoy this article, that rules.

The sanctity was actually a good blend between the 5150 and uber.

You fuckers have all my settings now! I told them not to publish em! hehe
What about the cab? the article says nothing about that. The best sounding 5150s i've heard were played through peavey cabs. I did a demo for a band with 5150II and XXX thru peavey cabs and they sounded great together.

Haven't had much luck with the Peavey cabs. I'll take my Vintage 30's any day of the week.