My point is that people wanna hear songs, not production. But thanks for clarifying that this old stuff wasn't recorded in a bedroom.
Still, you can get a close to pro sound out of a bedroom studio. And the few percent it comes short will not be missed by most people.
...untrained ears. Funny enough, when I ask people about the production of fuckin Death Magnetic I usually get to hear how good it is. Same with the new Slayer.
No, you can't get close to a pro sound in the "Bedroom" (Bedroom being the typical ITB, no room treatment environment).
Ever since Ermz brought it up fairly recently, I've been listening to Stabbing the Drama more and more and more.
On top of that, some CLA mixes, like Brand New Eyes by Paramore.
Having listened to both albums at least 100 times in the last month and a half or so to get them extremely familiar in my memory and also A/Bing them against ITB, "Bedroom" mixes, it should be blatantly clear to anyone the bedroom mixes aren't even REMOTELY close to the pro stuff.
Yeah, ITB bedroom can sound "good", and polished and clean, but you're just kidding yourself if you think a bedroom mix can breathe and push like the best pro mixes done in a proper studio and have that same kind of air those mixes do.
While initially some ITB bedroom mixes sound great when not referenced to other mixes, when I put them up against the likes of Brand New Eyes, they sound like fucking demos in comparison.
Note the word initially. Once you give them repeated listens, just over and over again, once you can start to get the details into your memory, that's when you'll be able to hear how mediocre ITB bedroom sounds compared to pro stuff.
And it doesn't matter about the tune, because we are NOT talking about fucking tunes here, we are talking about the sonic aspects of production..
And this, pisses me off "And the few percent it comes short will not be missed by most people"
Are you aware of what happens with this attitude, this catering to the lowest common denominator attitude?
If we get to a point where we accept "It sounds pretty good, not quite as good as pro, but who cares, because people like it", then the next time around, we will hear those recordings and think "Well, as good as that sounded, no one will mind if it isn't quite as good".
And the cycle keeps repeating until the production quality drops and drops until it is absolutely fucking shit.
And then you know what happens?
The pros of today are out of the business.
This includes guys like ANDY SNEAP.
So how fucking dare you come in here and say things like that which are to the detriment of hard working professionals like Sneap, Glenn Frickers etc
I may be a shitty "ITB bedroom engineer" myself, but currently I only do it for my own enjoyment for making my own projects sound better and I certainly am not in any position to start undercutting the pros by offering services to mix commercial releases with my sub par abilities and parading myself as some kind of pro who can offer "NEARLY commercial level mixes".