Cool Nordström Interview

Nordstrom always makes such a great interview subject because he's so brutally honest.

Interesting to see that he thinks analogue sounds much better. I suppose he succumbed to the convenience of recall and editing at the expense of the quality of the end product. It's a shame because it seemed to be the end of an era. I don't think he did anything as great as Clayman since.
Just read to the end. It's so depressing to read all these people pointing out the industry is in its death throes. This whole piracy and home recording thing seems to have ruined everything. Ironically, this forum is probably ground zero for what will ultimately kill the professional industry.
Just read to the end. It's so depressing to read all these people pointing out the industry is in its death throes. This whole piracy and home recording thing seems to have ruined everything. Ironically, this forum is probably ground zero for what will ultimately kill the professional industry.

It's so depressing to read all these people pointing out the industry is in its death throes. This whole piracy and home recording thing seems to have ruined everything. Ironically, this forum is probably ground zero for what will ultimately kill the professional industry.

true, and I wish we could do something about the current development
As you can see, the 80% of the requests and the works submitted here are about "pod, impulses, dfhs, amp simulator" ....and the threads with more responses are about these things. Pretty sad I think.
I see here and there some "studio" myspaces with no equipment at all.....podfarm, impulses, cracked cubase and nothing more. I've not a pro studio but I bought ProTools, I've enough mics to record a whole drumkit, I bought amps, cabs, preamps, stands, and all I need to work. And I'm very happier than before.
And last but not least, I bought all these things before I started a myspace page or a studio activity.
What's worse is that almost every mix project is being provided all DI with just a MIDI file for drums. When in the hell did that become acceptable?

Soon it's going to be considered part of the mix engineer's job to pull the tones for the bass, guitar and drums from the bottom up, all for a mixing rate. There is no commitment and everyone wants to do the performances 'on the cheap' then squeeze what they can out of someone with a studio by bundling what are essentially tracking processes in with the mix. Not cool.
As much as we all like free plugins and even drum vsts, it's getting to a point where any random dude does whatever he wants with his m-box or fast track interface and cracked software, resulting in sub-par results, but people really don't care. Just like that thread the other day, of that guy saying he wanted to do all recording of his band and had no idea how to mic a cab and his software was cracked and had absolutely no idea how to use it... This is the kind of thing that annoys me, they don't want to spend money and get their final product delivered with the best sonic quality possible. Like all these free amp sim plugins, don't get me wrong, the developers behind them are really talented and they sound really good, but the fact that they're free definitely help in this occasion. And I think midi for drums is usefull for ideas and rough tracks, but for a final product it should be completely unnaceptable.
... This is the kind of thing that annoys me, they don't want to spend money and get their final product delivered with the best sonic quality possible. Like all these free amp sim plugins, don't get me wrong, the developers behind them are really talented and they sound really good, but the fact that they're free definitely help in this occasion. And I think midi for drums is usefull for ideas and rough tracks, but for a final product it should be completely unnaceptable.

soooooo true!
(though you might wanna replace that name with some other random generic name to avoid confusion with boardmembers ;)
Totally agree with Fredrik on a lot of stuff.

While I think home recording is great because it allows bands to make decent demos, I do not think it is a substitute at all for a real studio with a real engineer. Sure you can try it yourself but just focus on playing your damn instrument and making a good album. Being a jack of all trades when you are mediocre at all of them means nothing.
I often turn off the screen in Pro Tools and tell the band, “listen to the music; don’t look at the screen.”

I do this myself, It's odd but it helps me listen more than I would if I was busy looking at the song on the grid. Helps with the seperating of "This thing I've been working on for 7 hours" from the piece of music that it actually is.
can't hurt to read it twice, especially for all the "vst-Amp+Impulses+DFH"-kids the Forum is infested with atm :D

no kidding, however I do not see that as the biggest concern

Just read to the end. It's so depressing to read all these people pointing out the industry is in its death throes. This whole piracy and home recording thing seems to have ruined everything. Ironically, this forum is probably ground zero for what will ultimately kill the professional industry.

To some extent that's true home recording has made it easier to save money, but bands today are trying to save money simply from the fact that the money of the entire industry has been shriveled up by the pop culture, American celebrity with absolutely no talent living in multi million dollar mansions while hard working bands and producers, and other music industry products (like gear) are being forced out of their existence when they're only trying to make an honest living.

These fucking celebrities don't need to have all the money that they have, neither do the major record labels who have basked in the large amounts of money for doing nothing more than convincing the majority of people that the shit they are providing is actually what cool people are into while seemingly raping hard working musicians from making the simple living they deserve. Its simply fucking pathetic that legends like Nordstrom and many others worry about not being able to support their families and even have to come to cope with the fact that they may have to shut down their studio, just because some fucking Hollywood thug wants to throw away 5+ million every single day for ultimate fame and power.