Cool Suecof interview with lots of amp details...

Good read! On my combo, I use the lead channel all the time. Pre on 3, and EQ at 6 6 6. I just arrived there after fiddling and didnt notice the knobs til later. Resonance is cranked and pres is around 5. I just use my guitar vol knob rolled way back to go "clean" and then twist it anywhere in between full and 1 and use my pickup toggle to get any tone I want. I love this thing.

I have not played my XXX at all since getting this combo. I spent about 45 minutes tweaking a G Major in the loop with a pussy hairs worth of delay and verb and it sounds fucking awesome. The G major has to be set to 2db output and consumer for input - its perfect. NO TONE SUCK at all. Bypass vs. ON you cannot tell at all. I have a 440ms delay at 10% blend and a room verb at 8% blend and its just rad. I can go from super killing blues tone with my neck dimarzio chopper in coil cut with gtr vol at about 1.5, to full on raging blow your ballz off with gtr knob cranked and bridge X2N. Love it!
Here's my take on it. A little "shuffle" song that's currently in progress. Hopefully I'll get around to finishing this next week sometime.


That's my favorite 5150 tone from you. It is clear and well defined (like your other tones) but it has a nicer fizz/sizzle or more saturated sound to it. Not bagging your other tones by any means :)

Did you use the settings verbatim or tweak them a little? Much post EQ, comp, etc...?

Well done.
That's my favorite 5150 tone from you. It is clear and well defined (like your other tones) but it has a nicer fizz/sizzle or more saturated sound to it. Not bagging your other tones by any means :)

Did you use the settings verbatim or tweak them a little? Much post EQ, comp, etc...?

Well done.

No worries, dude, it's my favorite too! It's got that "In Flames grind" I've been looking for forever.

EQ wise, it's pretty much the same... I've been terrified of cranking up the bottom on that amp for the last couple of years due to a disastrous mud problem on a project a while back. But after learning what multiband compressors are all about & finally learning the trick is to keep the cabinet away from the walls, I figured, "What the hell? I'll try it again." Usually, I'd keep the bass & reso at anywhere from 6-7. But bass at 9 & reso at 10? That's pretty bold considering the past I've had with muddy mixes. I did figure out the presence thing on my own though. I've been running presence around 9 & treble at 4.5 for the last couple of projects.
The only difference on the amp settings is output: Mine's been hot-biased so it's louder at the same output settings. I took the main output down to 2.5, and believe me, that's still loud as hell. Oh yeah, I also used a Maxon for a clean boost.

Mic-wise, it was the on/off axis method. Post, I used a little multiband from 0-90 and 90-350hz to keep things from jumping around too much. Post EQ was applied to all tracks as a group: A 60hz rolloff, slight narrow boost at 100 for cab reso, wide boost at 1.6khz for bite, & a shelf at 14khz to kill some of the fizzies. But, overall, to too much EQ.

I'm one happy guy.

Mr. Suecof, If ever our paths cross, I'll buy you a lapdance.

No worries, dude, it's my favorite too! It's got that "In Flames grind" I've been looking for forever.

EQ wise, it's pretty much the same... I've been terrified of cranking up the bottom on that amp for the last couple of years due to a disastrous mud problem on a project a while back. But after learning what multiband compressors are all about & finally learning the trick is to keep the cabinet away from the walls, I figured, "What the hell? I'll try it again." Usually, I'd keep the bass & reso at anywhere from 6-7. But bass at 9 & reso at 10? That's pretty bold considering the past I've had with muddy mixes. I did figure out the presence thing on my own though. I've been running presence around 9 & treble at 4.5 for the last couple of projects.
The only difference on the amp settings is output: Mine's been hot-biased so it's louder at the same output settings. I took the main output down to 2.5, and believe me, that's still loud as hell. Oh yeah, I also used a Maxon for a clean boost.

Mic-wise, it was the on/off axis method. Post, I used a little multiband from 0-90 and 90-350hz to keep things from jumping around too much. Post EQ was applied to all tracks as a group: A 60hz rolloff, slight narrow boost at 100 for cab reso, wide boost at 1.6khz for bite, & a shelf at 14khz to kill some of the fizzies. But, overall, to too much EQ.

I'm one happy guy.

Mr. Suecof, If ever our paths cross, I'll buy you a lapdance.


Oz, thanks for taking the time to post such a detailed response. :kickass:

It is indeed a great tone. I am getting even more excited about getting a 6505 now.

Thanks again.

@poidaobi: yours was a good example of the RAW sound of those settings. With a bit of tweaking/EQ I am sure you could get it to sound killer as well. Maybe try dual-mic's.
This does sound pretty great. The riff is C.O.C. style. :kickass:

Actually, the song is a cover.... It's called "Mourning Suicide" by a London Ontario band named "S.F.H." Fronted by ex-Razor vocalist (should ring a bell if you know your 80's thrash) Bob Reid. Bob was kind enough to grant me permission to record the song, as I always dug it & didn't feel the original recording did the music justice. Hopefully I'll get this finished in a week or two.

Actually, the song is a cover.... It's called "Mourning Suicide" by a London Ontario band named "S.F.H." Fronted by ex-Razor vocalist (should ring a bell if you know your 80's thrash) Bob Reid. Bob was kind enough to grant me permission to record the song, as I always dug it & didn't feel the original recording did the music justice. Hopefully I'll get this finished in a week or two.


(I hate it when this happens) I know '80's thrash very well. It's embedded into my blood. Even back then there were a ton of bands and it just wasn't possible for me to get to know them all and unfortunately those were among them. The more I think about it, the more I'm sure I've seen their names in mags though.

You do hear the c.o.c. connection though, don't you?