
Proven here:

Destroyed by God

You will need: God

Method: Far be it from me to dictate whether God does or does not exist, but if he did, and was omnipotent, then no doubt he could destroy the Earth at a mere thought if he should decide to. Of course, the question arises of how we persuade him to do this.

One suggestion - should Judaic mythology turn out to be correct - is finding and killing one or more of the Lamed Vav Tzadikim, 36 righteous men whose role in life is to justify the purpose of mankind in the eyes of God. If even one of these is missing, it is said the world would come to an end. Practically speaking, it would probably be easier to wipe out humanity than to find one these individuals, who do not themselves know who they are.

Comments: It is of course entirely possible that the means God would choose to use to destroy the Earth would be a natural, non-miraculous event such as one of those listed above.

Earth's final resting place: potentially any form, anywhere.

Feasibility rating: entirely subjective.
I wish i could hang out with grizzly adams in space after the world blows up. Because at the last second paul gilbert gives up space suits and then shreads for us. Then i get to take his shread skills and add them to mine, making me play so awesomly that it creates a giant magnet that fuses the world back together in perfect order. Sadly this giant magnet kills everybody besides me, paul gilbert, grizzly adams, 1000 swedish porn stars, steve vai, micheal angleo batio, statch, yngwie, jeff loomis, chuck norris, john petrucci, eric johnson, and anybody else who can shread and i forgot about. Then i get laid by the porn stars like a million times and it kicks ass. Then we just shread, the combined shreading creates a awesome lighting beam and it is fuckign sweet, then we kill godzilla with it.