Cough on Blackwater Park


Troll #2
May 25, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I read in an OPETH interview that there was a man coughing in the studio while Opeth were recording Blackwater Park and the cough got "stucked" on the recording. This sound a bit strange and funny, but I'm sure you know what I talking about.

I wonder if anyones knows where on the cd you can hear it?

i think , you got a wrong information. the cough is on the "still life" album. Mickeal explains this situation on the official web site(session diary):

"There was one day when me and Peter worked for almost 24 hrs, and we ended up getting so fucking tired we hallucinated. It started with me hearing a cough while I was in the vocal booth. I looked out but saw I asked Peter: "Man, did you cough?", "No, why". I was terrified thinking that someone was there with us. Me and Peter went out probing the area after suspicuos things. And mind you, the new Fredman studio is pretty big with several different rooms, and if that is not enough, it´s located in an industrial area where no-one usually comes around in the middle of the night.

Anyways, we didn´t find anything, but the rest of that day we were certainly affected by everything as there was indeed some kind of spooky felling in the air. Sure enough it was just our tired brains that played us a trick. And the cough I mentioned had somehow been recorded on the tape. We still don´t know who it is, and it´s still there on the album in the 1st track. "
After one of the shows I went to, someone asked him if they ever found out who it was. I don't remember his exact words, but he said something like there was an engineer or technician who was drunk a lot of the time that would always hang around there and that's who it was. I may not remember it correctly, but it was something like that.
This is how it is: When Opeth started the recording of Still Life they did it in a studio named Nacksving, because Fredman was under reconstruction at the time. At the Nacksving studio there was a man named Isak who smoked a lot. So when they recorded Still Life, his coughing somehow was caught on tape. So, the sound that scared Micke and Peter almost to death, was actually Isak´s coughing and not a ghost or anyting. The reason why they didn´t get rid of the coughing is that it was recorded on the same channel as the drums, which means that they would have to re-record all the drums in order to get rid of it. So it´s still there, somewhere on The Moor. I haven´t locatated it myself yet. Is there anyone who have actually located it and can tell me exactly where it is?
Originally posted by svenske kocken
This is how it is: When Opeth started the recording of Still Life they did it in a studio named Nacksving, because Fredman was under reconstruction at the time. At the Nacksving studio there was a man named Isak who smoked a lot. So when they recorded Still Life, his coughing somehow was caught on tape. So, the sound that scared Micke and Peter almost to death, was actually Isak´s coughing and not a ghost or anyting. The reason why they didn´t get rid of the coughing is that it was recorded on the same channel as the drums, which means that they would have to re-record all the drums in order to get rid of it. So it´s still there, somewhere on The Moor. I haven´t locatated it myself yet. Is there anyone who have actually located it and can tell me exactly where it is?
White cluster is the song your lookin for man
COMPLETELY off-topic thought:

The natural abbreviation of "Michael" is "Mike", and I've read in many places "Mikael" abbreviated to "Mike" as well. However, I've also noticed a very common typeo of it being spelled "Micke", which I initially thought was simply a mistake, but have seen too many times to be sure. Is there some reason I'm unaware of why "Micke" would also be "correct"?
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
COMPLETELY off-topic thought:

The natural abbreviation of "Michael" is "Mike", and I've read in many places "Mikael" abbreviated to "Mike" as well. However, I've also noticed a very common typeo of it being spelled "Micke", which I initially thought was simply a mistake, but have seen too many times to be sure. Is there some reason I'm unaware of why "Micke" would also be "correct"?

Mikael being abbreviated to Mike is wrong. The beginning of Michael (or microphone, heh) is pronounced like Mike, but Mikael verily is not. However, Micke comes closer. (yeah, I know.. Swedes.. :grin: hehe, just kidding)

I understand that non-Scandinavian people like to abbreviate the name into something more suitable for their tongues ;), but still that doesn't make it correct. I think the pronounciation of "Mikael Åkerfeldt" was discussed some time ago on this board.