Crazy Band Ideas

Like the NHL trade deadline, band members of any band can get traded but in some cases, these kind of trades won't work with bands like Burzum or Bathory simply because there are a single piece band. For instance...

Nile trades away Karl Sanders to Cannibal Corpse in exchange for Corpsegrinder and future considerations. (ie. colloboration albums, shows, and song)

Mayhem swap singers with Emperor, in an effort to boost their "popularity".
Isahn was later found by UM reporters in briefly mentioning, "I like this trade. I'm really excited in joining the team...uh, err, I mean, band. This organization, I mean, band has a rich history and background, I hope I can make a difference! I really forward in helping the band get the Stanley Cup...i mean, make a new kickass record."
One of the band members from Mayhem was later found at the studio in quoting, "its a good trade, the trade helps both bands and we feel that Isahn will bring a lot of veteran experience and knowledge to the table that we had previously lacked."
Look for some Speedcore... it is a pretty extreme genre of music that doesn't drop bellow 300bpm. The Berserker are also incredibly fast all the time, its kind of Digital Grind, insanely fast vocals and drums, and kind of really odd sounding gabba beats playing at 200bpm under it. They popped up earlier in the thread somewhere, I think Rabid mentioned them.
Yes. The Berzerker are pretty crazy. Their drumbeats (or drum machine, in most cases) are faster than those of any other band, but the guitar riffs aren't necessarily the fastest (a lot of mid paced tremolo riffing over the insane blasts). Good band. I've never heard of speedcore.
Yes. The Berzerker are pretty crazy. Their drumbeats (or drum machine, in most cases) are faster than those of any other band, but the guitar riffs aren't necessarily the fastest (a lot of mid paced tremolo riffing over the insane blasts). Good band. I've never heard of speedcore.

I came across Speedcore when reading some interviews with the guy behind The Berserker, I forget his name at the moment, it is fairly simple to play slow, it is all about speed, not so much technicality, think hardcore riffs played at breakneck speed with gibberish sounding vocals.
I am still dead serious about my intense desire for extreme black and death metal bands that are fully acoustic. Like Impaled Northern Moonforest but serious. I think it would be gorgeous.

I'd also like a metal band that is very bluesy in a traditional kind of way. Like Eric Clapton with death vocals, chugging down-tuned guitar, and double bass pedal. Or even just a blues-rock band that uses death vocals.
Metal played on an electric Yangqin


Electric Yangqins don't exist but you can put guitar pickups in them definitely, it would be expensive though, I'd also need to buy a Yangqin and learn about circuitry of guitars.
Nah, no bands, just a few people messing around that I know - I don't believe they recorded anything. I know a board member here has done it too (Lord Sepsis), but I don't think he has a recording either.
Jazzy metal. I mean more Jazz than metal because Virulence and Pan Thy Monium already did metal with jazz elements. Also acoustic grindcore could be fun.
Death metal versions of anime theme songs...

Suicide metal - at the end of the show, the entire band downs a bottle of Draino and arsenic.

Polka Death Metal - Acchordian and death rasps over flute and blast beats. Lyrics about dancing and moonlight.

Cliff Burton, Dave Lombardo, Dave Mustaine, and Alex Skolnik in a room together...
Jazzy metal. I mean more Jazz than metal because Virulence and Pan Thy Monium already did metal with jazz elements. Also acoustic grindcore could be fun.

Pestilence - Spheres
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Cynic - Focus

Less the second, but all of those are extreme metal with a very strong focus on the jazz elements. As for accoustic grindcore it could be quite difficult given the fact it is hard to distinguish a lot of notes from accoustic instruments when played very fast.
I'm planning on doing a project which combines the synth-jazz of Tangerine Dream with the heavy drone/doom of Khanate and Sunn 0)))