
Stygian_Apothegm said:
water freezes.

what happens: water freezes when cold

explanation: molecules slow down when cold thus creating ice

what do you mean science doesnt explain anything.
yes that is a possible explanation - molecules slowing down - that is a good grade school answer. we are proud of you. scientists believe that these molecules or even atoms exist. please tell me you knew this...

EDIT: Let me guess... you believe that Newton's gravitational theory explains how such forces work?

Do you even know what to "explain" is? Asshole, look in a fuckin dictionary before you make an ass of yourself. Indeed, your little kiddy water molecule example explains WHAT happens. It doesnt explain WHY it happens. Reread my previous post, bastard. :err:
Oyo said:
Let's all have a contest to see who can be more politically correct and accepting!

Shut the fuck up!

Christians are fucking morons, and anyone is is non-religious is automatically smarter and better, NO DEBATE HERE.

If you disagree go pray and cry

Einstein was religious. There is no debate there. He disproved many past and primitive theories in science, including Newton's gravitaional theory. Newton's gravitational theory DOES work mathematically though...
KielbasaSausage said:
yes that is a possible explanation - molecules slowing down - that is a good grade school answer. we are proud of you. scientists believe that these molecules or even atoms exist. please tell me you knew this...

EDIT: Let me guess... you believe that Newton's gravitational theory explains how such forces work?
um we know atoms exist. we know sub-atomic particles exist. however we dont know how they function. that's something we cant explain.
i hate this 'believing in god is just as valid as not believing in him' argument!

I'm not even going to try right now... you start off with some valid points Kielbasa, about science not honestly being able to say what is and isnt. In the end it is all just theories, and we accept theories in order to make research, but yeh we never can know for certain. But then your missing a whole bunch of justification to get from that to your statement.

explanation: molecules slow down when cold thus creating ice
Why do molecules slow when cold?

There's always more questions, and eventually science gets to questions it cannot answer.

And stygian, kielbasa is right, we don't know atoms exist, all we know is that something exists which behaves like the model of an atom would. We assume since all our results fit with this 'atom' model that our model is correct, but all it is is an assumption. We could be completely on the wrong track, and indeed the atomic model has changed quite a bit since people first started looking at it, and possibly it will change again.
YaYo said:
i hate this 'believing in god is just as valid as not believing in him' argument!

My argument was 'believing in god is just as valid as believing there is no god.' Believing that there is no god (atheist) is different from not believing or not knowing (agnostic).

YaYo said:
We could be completely on the wrong track, and indeed the atomic model has changed quite a bit since people first started looking at it, and possibly it will change again.

In about 400 B.C. a man named Democritus came up with the first atomic theory. His definition of "atom" was the smallest possible piece. Of course, over time, our definition of atom has strayed - now there are supposedly smaller pieces - quarks, superstrings...
I am glad I am not a christian....not because of the beliefs or anything,but because I would get flamed here on a daily basis
but his avatar does suck
Einstein was religious. There is no debate there. He disproved many past and primitive theories in science, including Newton's gravitaional theory. Newton's gravitational theory DOES work mathematically though...

WAHHHHhhhh, Let's be more politically correct!

Congrats on naming one of the very few exceptions, I doubt he was a die-hard theist anyway.

And yes, a priest raped me that's it.

I live in the fucking bible belt, do you not expect me to have a lot of anger towards fucking religious idiots???
I've secluded myself from all the desperation out there by ignoring christianity.

And seriously, did you think that you would've had a chance against us, when it clearly says that you're from TEXAS?

I smell a troll :zombie:
Gnuckell said:
I was dead serious :err:

I realize this. And that is what makes you pathetic. If you disagreed with him based on the information he provided, fine. But many of the posters on this thread disregarded what he had to say simply because he lives in Texas, and because he has a Confederate flag in his avatar, (oh shit! call the fucking cops!) which causes me to question whether or not anybody has any real counter data. At least Yayo's post was intelligent.
I disagree with him because of what he said, but his avatar is a pretty fucking good indicator of his brainwashed zealotry.
Dreamlord said:
If you disagreed with him based on the information he provided, fine. But many of the posters on this thread disregarded what he had to say simply because he lives in Texas, and because he has a Confederate flag in his avatar

Yeah, but i didn't, and i never stated those as my reasons for disagreeing. I have my reasons, but i don't want to throw myself into another circular "discussion" that's all based around the expression of personal brilliance, testosterone and worthless insults. There are better ways to kill time, without the frustrating outcome of the common human dialogue.