
YaYo said:
i hate this 'believing in god is just as valid as not believing in him' argument!

I'm not even going to try right now... you start off with some valid points Kielbasa, about science not honestly being able to say what is and isnt. In the end it is all just theories, and we accept theories in order to make research, but yeh we never can know for certain. But then your missing a whole bunch of justification to get from that to your statement.

Why do molecules slow when cold?

There's always more questions, and eventually science gets to questions it cannot answer.

And stygian, kielbasa is right, we don't know atoms exist, all we know is that something exists which behaves like the model of an atom would. We assume since all our results fit with this 'atom' model that our model is correct, but all it is is an assumption. We could be completely on the wrong track, and indeed the atomic model has changed quite a bit since people first started looking at it, and possibly it will change again.
hello we have seen atoms through a micrscope. what's wrong with you people.

and the model we have today isnt even how an atom looks. electrons dont fucking 'orbit' around the nucleus. we have no idea how this works.

why dont you people try studying a little before attempting to make me look like a fool.
ChrisEmerson said:
shadowthrone you got your calculations wrong actually :P

he said the size decreases by 0.1%, not the radius. the relationship between volume and radus is v = 4/3 x pi x r^3, youll need to take this into account in your calculations.

Point taken, yet in my years of experience "size" can refer to volume or radius. Therefore I made a quick assumption that it was referring to radius. Maybe I was wrong, maybe I wasn't he should have used better terminology to describe his point. Now I just recalculated everything and if it was referring to volume then the radius of the Sun 20 million years ago would have been about
6 x 10^34 kilometers
quite a bit smaller than my other calculation, but still much much larger than what the guy that started this thread calculated.
Stygian_Apothegm said:
hello we have seen atoms through a micrscope. what's wrong with you people.

and the model we have today isnt even how an atom looks. electrons dont fucking 'orbit' around the nucleus. we have no idea how this works.

why dont you people try studying a little before attempting to make me look like a fool.

i feel sorry for you.
Oyo said:
WAHHHHhhhh, Let's be more politically correct!

Congrats on naming one of the very few exceptions, I doubt he was a die-hard theist anyway.

And yes, a priest raped me that's it.

I live in the fucking bible belt, do you not expect me to have a lot of anger towards fucking religious idiots???

Yes, Oyo, lets be a couple of idiots and assume that all religious people are dumb because a few religious people that you've met were assholes.

not to be an ass, but isnt an atheist as "religious" as a christian? it seems so from all the "skeptic" posters on this board. i thought you people would know better than to judge people based on their beliefs; your beliefs are as good as theirs.
Yes but the difference there is that there is physical evidence to support evolution while is zilch (except for fundamentalist christians who seem to think the bible was meant to be taken literally) for creationism.
And another thing. If the earth is 10,000 years old

what about fucking dinosaurs??????
KielbasaSausage said:
"religious" in regards as being stubborn in their opinion or beliefs. in this case, wouldn't it be yes?

what kind of idiot says that he knows that a god exists or that he knows that a god doesn't exist?
just to clear things up religion has 2 universal charactertistics and some common, but not universal characteristics.


supernatural power or forces
power/forces can be contacted


power/forces reside in deities/gods or objects
power/forces responsible for creating world
notion of 'personal' god (ie christianity)

now where does an atheist fall in this? atheists believe in nothing, NOTHING. a god/force is SOMETHING, atheists believe in NOTHING. that means they do NOT believe in a god/force.

do not try to argue this, it's been proven around the world, hence the word universal.

any childish comments from you will be ignored, try to show yourself some diginity.
Oyo said:
And atheists are smarter than theists in almost all cases, anyway.

Please, explain.

Oyo said:
Further more, I'm friends with a lot of christians, and they are usually tolerable, but when it comes to viewpoints on certain things, like suicide, they are FUCKING IDIOTS.
I didn't know there was a right or wrong opinion on suicide. Is an opinion something you would use to measure someone's intelligence?

Oyo said:
Especially viewpoints of evolution, "EVOLUTION CANT BE RIGHT, GOD MADE US !:eek:"
Last time i checked there are many christians who believe in evolution. Like i said before, Darwin was a theist and came up with the evolution theory. He just believed that God created all matter (scientists have just figured out a way for non-organic material to become organic).