Creepy as hell

Lordlucid said:
its a long story but,
okay, so my friend went to oregon to visit his cousins that live there. They all got this big Idea while sitting on their asses to go ghost hunting. There is an area in northern oregon that was home to a cult. That murdered people in an apparently satanic ritual. The murders took place in a building, and around the general area. All thats left of the building is a wall. That supposedly houses a demon and who so ever touches the wall will be possesed. One of my friends cousins got the Idea to touch the wall, I mean what the hell he thought its just superstition. Nothing happend, bummer... so they headed home. So they got halfway home when their car windows fogged up, Instantly. wasn't even a cold night, so they pulled off the road a tried to wipe the windows clean. It took them almost 15minutes to wipe the window cleanoff... by that time the cousin who touched the wall started acting... strange.
By the time they got home, He was freaking out. He wouldn't responed to them by name. They got freaked out and told him to stop fucking with them. they got him inside and he headed towards the kitchen screaming. Pull out a butchers knife and actually tried to stab my friend (this guy though wouldn't hurt a fly),but he tried, fortunatly my friend weighs about 150lbs more then his cousin and pulled the knife from him and threw him into the bathroom. He began to pound the walls with his head and arms. breaking anything in the bathroom...he eventually calmed down. they opened the door and ask him what the fuck his problem was,
his response, "what the hell am I doing in the fucking bathroom?"
the last thing he remembered was being in the car heading home right before the windows fogged up.
Thats not it though... eventually they went to be freaked the fuck out. they all slept in one room in these duplex houses. Pretty small house but it was four house combined together, so a fairly large building.
thats when the fun stuff began, the cousins started talking about a guy who used to come by their window at night. a fairly large man pretty hard to see, with big eyes. and then they heard foot steps out their opened window. A large man who did not have a clear figure stepped up to the window. Blacker then the night who seem to fade into it. holding a bag with something and a hatchet, his eyes opened, catlike almost, glowing,with thin slits for pupils. He smiled and said in a low deep almost unhuman growl " Im going to take your heads tonight" and smiled even wider from ear to ear with a red mouth full of sharp teeth. He started running around the complex hitting the walls, running faster than any human could with a pitterpatter across the ground... screaming a laughing, and then dissapeared across the window in a vanish.
needless to say they are fucking scared of ghosts and anything like that, and If I was there... I be the same way.

wow, you guys should sell the story to Hollywood and be rich.
it should be a new "summer time horror movie"
and you guys probably can get sarah Michelle Gellar and OMG OMG Jeniffer Love Hewit
to play the parts of the cousins gfs!!!!!!!!
If you;ll be lucky, you will be invited to TRL in New York to promote the big hit!
Dead_Lioness said:
wow, you guys should sell the story to Hollywood and be rich.
it should be a new "summer time horror movie"
and you guys probably can get sarah Michelle Gellar and OMG OMG Jeniffer Love Hewit
to play the parts of the cousins gfs!!!!!!!!
If you;ll be lucky, you will be invited to TRL in New York to promote the big hit!

Yeah, that story sounds like a bad hollywood movie!