Jorge Escudero

Aug 30, 2010
Madrid, Spain
Hi guys,

I´ve uploaded the tracks of the single from the LP we released last christmas with my band Crownless so you can try your own mixes. Hope you like it.

This is the original song as i mixed it for the CD in case you want a reference:

Here are all the tracks:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

I´ve divided it in a few parts since all the tracks together are heavy. Lots of vocal tracks and orquestations.

Resolution and bit depth are: 44.1 / 24

Tempo of the song is 92bpm

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man, those drums tracks were recorded really well. haven't had the time to listen to much else but if they're all like the drums this track is truly worth mixing everybody.
Welcome guys, i´m glad you liked it!

colonel_claypoo: Thanx man, but it has just been recorded with an electric kit. The sounds triggered out of it are Superior Drummer. : - P

Mashreef: I can send you an mp3 file of the song to your mail if you want me to.

Can´t wait to hear your remixes : - )
thanks for the tracks jorge! :)
i've just set-up the basic mixing-session, it tooked about an hour ;) i start mixing tomorrow!

btw, all raw-tracks are in your "part1.rar", the other three rar-files contains just copies of the tracks?

thanks again man, this will be fun :D

cheers, khe
Thanks for sharing your work Jorge
a move back to Guitar Orchestration is a good move:)

Keep writing brother

k.h.e. :

Hey man! Tell me about it... And this is not the most dense song track-wise in the CD :p

When you double clik in one of the .rar parts you can see all the tracks that contain the whole four part package, but in order to use all the tracks you must download all parts, have them together in a folder and un-rar one of the parts. So, no, they´re not copies, you must have the four parts in order to have access to all the tracks.


Thanx man, glad you liked it but, i must say that almost all the orchestration arrangements have been written by our bass player : - )
The whole thing was composed by him, our singer and me.
Jorge the 3 of you have done very well

Keep writing and All the best with future projects:)

Thanks for sharing the Tracking Jorge :)

included was Approx 78 files to the orginal tracking pack

we only used

2 guitars one left one right
1 bass track
one vocal track

Download Updated in post Below

Was looking for a big mixing project to get myself ready for college. I'm gunna have fun with this :D
78 tracks :yow:
Killer Song !!!
This will be my next mix !

Stay metal !

Just think how Fredrik Nordstrom must've felt when he was mixing Dimmu Borgir's In Sorte Diaboli. 90+ tracks total for each song. Talk about a lot of bussing!

The song's sweet but it's too bad you guys used a female on the song. Female vox just don't mix well with metal, imo.
Wow, Thank you for sharing this, I have always wanted to have a go at mixing modern gothic metal with a female vocal (I think it goes very well with some metal). What's more i really like this track too and from what people are saying on here about how well this was recorded, well I can't wait to get going, 78 tracks, a shit load of bussing.... I want a week off work right now to do this but I don't think the NHS would understand lol

Again, thank you!!!
We will update this mix as we work through it

Youtube video showing the Amps we are using in the above Tracking mix

Jorge sending you an Message in PM Brother :)

